133 for doubles? how common is it?

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Yes, that 58 psi makes a huge 1.5% difference. Most shops with analog gauges have them properly calibrated and can stop at exactly 3442. :)
133's are heavy as ****, but there is nothing wrong with diving them if your spine can handle it. I have a set of LP121's doubled up for select dives....I don't like lugging them around, so I only use them on dives where they are really necessary. I don't like carrying an extra stage of bottom gas....which by all rights would be lighter on the surface, but more annoying during the dive.
How common are HP-133s in single's configuration with an H-valve? Do a lot of people use that configuaration for Tec diving?
My current rig is backmount 130's. Yes they are heavy as hell and I will admit that for places like cave country where you may have to walk down a boardwalk a bit to the entrance, I do have a little fold up cart to roll them. On a boat, not a biggy, again trolly them to the dock.

I dive a drysuit with them always as back up buoyancy, and I have tested that, dumped my wing at 50' and filled my suit to make sure I could come up with just that. In water I love them, nice platform that you are suspended from, and I find with the length it really helps keep me trim. I am 6'2, and I tried some shorter tanks and they made me top heavy, really hard to manage. Air wise I have no issue doing two dives, and having lots left over, ( average 40-60 minutes each dive we will say) and when I did my tec training even the deep dives I still had plenty in reserve. Same with cave, although I am only intro, I tend to have plenty of reserve as I dive with guys that use smaller tanks. I have dealt with an our of air situations ( another diver not me ) and it was good to know I had plenty extra to deal with that and still make safety stops with no stress of getting low.

My back does get sore at times though, but I try and do more back work and legs at the gym to make up for it.
How common are HP-133s in single's configuration with an H-valve? Do a lot of people use that configuaration for Tec diving?
Relatively common. Not for Tec...Mostly for Recreational divers and DM's on the boats I use. I know of only 1 person that uses a single on "tec" dives....She uses an LP 95 w/ h valve... But that's on "Tec Lite" stuff, usually 170' or less with limited deco.
How common are HP-133s in single's configuration with an H-valve? Do a lot of people use that configuaration for Tec diving?
I can't say I have ever seen anybody use that for tec diving. You ever try to shut down valves with an H? I'm not that flexible.
I have 108lp worthington that I am setting up as doubles I am excited to get them yes they are heavy I am using a steel backplate my entire rig which includes manifold bp wing harness I am all in for just over 1300$ it's an apex comfort harness oms ss backplate oms wing with 95lbs of lift oms manifold I'm purchasing it all used oms bands as well yes it's used but the equipment has only seen maybe 5 dives no discoloration to the wing or harness at all
Yep I guesse it was for raising the Titanic but hey an oms dual bladder with no real visible wear let alone bleaching from the sun that looks brand new for less then 400 you would jump on that deal as well and even think of it in terms of horsepower does a man really need to use the full 500hp of a muscle car on a daily basis nope he doesn't but it's nice to know you have it if needed
you paid $400 for a used wing? that's nuts...and not in the good way...

95lb wing is not smart, but that's just my opinion....

Even with a steel plate
Manifold, bands, regs, empty tanks-10lbs
gas in cave filled 108's-18lbs

55lb wing is more than enough, 95 is excessive and could cause you problems

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