13 things that confuse the smartest people on Earth.

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Sock gnomes are unexplained creatures that pilfer socks. The loss of which only becomes aparent at the exact instant that one really really needs to find them. !

this is so true, dude... i go through like six pairs of socks per month. they just
vanish. they're not in the washer or drier, they're not on the six feet of floor
that separate the washer and drier from my sock drawer, they're not in the sock

i didn't throw them away. my wife didn't throw them away.

sock gnomes.
I saw a cartoon a long time ago (Far Side, maybe) that was titled, "In a Parallel Universe." It showed a lady digging clothes out of the dryer. She was saying, "Where are all these socks comming from?"
this is so true, dude... i go through like six pairs of socks per month. they just
vanish. they're not in the washer or drier, they're not on the six feet of floor
that separate the washer and drier from my sock drawer, they're not in the sock

i didn't throw them away. my wife didn't throw them away.

sock gnomes.
Maybe Melynda thinks your socks are getting old and this is her way of dealing with it?
no, actually, she gets mad at me for losing them

it's not like i go to work with socks and come back home, and it's like, hey...
where did my socks go?

i don't lose them on purpose or nothing

(and she spells her name with an "i"... just thought i'd mention it :wink: )
(and she spells her name with an "i"... just thought i'd mention it :wink: )
Maybe its the other Mel i am thinking of, too many of them around, i knew your's was one and she was the other, oh well :wink:
Now, onto evolution. The statement that "life forms evolved from older, simpler forms" is capable of being disproven, thus it is scientific. It has not been disproven, and fits all available evidence of fossils, biochemistry, and the like. It is a scientific concept that has withstood all tests. It is considered verified because there has been no evidence to disprove it..

I had to tip my head back and roar after reading this one. Sorry but.....
So, the statement, "life forms seen today were formed by little green men with too much time on their hands" is scientific and therefore should be taught in the public schools. It can be disproven but has not been. Therefore we shouldaccept it. hahaha

MAybe this one works better.
"Man was formed out of the dust of the ground and his wife was formed from one of his ribs." Now, it is capable of being disproven, but has never been. therefore, since the fossil evidence supports it and all available biochemical evidence and the like also supports it we should accept it.

Same logic, only doesn't fit your world view so we must throw it out right? :)

See below for the confirmation form the original post

This reminds me about a conversation with a neighbor about crop circles.

She were sure that aliens did crop circles - traveling across the universe only to set down on our little planet and doodle in a wheat field in England.

I pointed out that quite a few have been shown to be man-made, and in fact there are videotapes showing how the pranksters did their circles.

The answer was "Well, they made those circles, but what about the rest? Aliens surely made those."

I countered that aliens must have built her house. She looked at me oddly and asked why I thought that. I pointed to the half-built house across the street, with the construction workers toiling away, and said "Well, we see those guys over there building that house, but yours was built before you moved here. Since you didn't see people doing it, it must have been built by aliens."

There comes a point to just roll your eyes and walk away.[/QUOTE]
I had to tip my head back and roar after reading this one. Sorry but.....
So, the statement, "life forms seen today were formed by little green men with too much time on their hands" is scientific and therefore should be taught in the public schools. It can be disproven but has not been. Therefore we shouldaccept it. hahaha

Ok, how could it be disproven? How is this any different from "The Tooth Fairy did it"? Tell me an experiment where the result could disprove the statement.

Does it best fit the available evidence?

By the way: Who said anything about teaching in the public schools? I'm talking about the nature of science. What should be taught in school is the concepts that best fit the data.

For example. Newton had a description of gravity. His description worked for years - until new evidence showed small problems. The problems accumulated and Einstein developed a better description of the phenomena. That doea not mean Newton was wrong, it means his idea wasn't a complete description. Einstein's is more complete. That doesn't mean it's the final say on the matter, as we already know of some weaknesses in General Relativity such that it cannot incorporate Quantum Theory. This is one of the Big Unanswered Questions in physics. But whatever does successfully merge the two had better be consistent with both GR and QT, since they both successfully describe their individual fields so well. Just like GR was consistent with Newton.

But they all fit the data better than the idea "The weight of the air pushes everything to the ground", so we don't teach that idea either. Also, that statement can be falsified, in that there is gravity in space, but not air, so air doesn't cause gravity.

Maybe this one works better.
"Man was formed out of the dust of the ground and his wife was formed from one of his ribs." Now, it is capable of being disproven, but has never been. therefore, since the fossil evidence supports it and all available biochemical evidence and the like also supports it we should accept it.

Again, how would you disprove it? That statement is not capable of being disproven.

It also does not best fit the evidence. It does't account for the proto-humans, the dinosaurs, and the like.

If you want to accept every idea that can't possibly be disproven, again, you might as well add "The Tooth Fairy did it" to the mix. It's just as valid (and has just as much evidence) as your dust idea.

I really don't mean to get into a religious debate, but I'm talking about the nature of science. The one statement about God that can be falsified is easily disproven if He chooses to do it. I'm not saying whether God exists or not, only that science can't really address that question.

Same logic, only doesn't fit your world view so we must throw it out right? :)

Not the same, and it doesn't fit the available data. My world view doesn't matter.

My point is simply about what is science and what is not. Science is not capable of proving anything - that's not it's purpose. Newton's gravity wasn't "proved", even when it fit all of the available data. Likewise, while experiments confirm relativity as being valid (to the point where it is not just research anymore, but engineering), that just means it describes the phenomena accurately, it doesn't mean it is the final word. Nothing is "proved".

Right now, there are divers in the 3rd world who think their post-diving sickness is caused by bad spirits, and they are in fact causing themselves serious harm with DCS. This was reported on in the Utne Reader last monh. Here's a little test: Is that (bad spirits cause the sickness) a statement capable of being disproven? Does it fit all the evidence about the bends? Is this whas we should be teaching them?

I think #6 is my favorite, but #12 disturbs me the most.

#1 and #4 don't surprise me at all. It always amazes me how little we actually know about our own bodies.

The possibilities of #3 excite me :D

I really like this list, and keep looking back at it.

I have some personal experience with #'s 2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,13 in that I've either worked on projects or done experiments in the fields. When the cold fusion news broke, I spent a week at a lab bench counting neutrons...nope, didn't find anything. It would have been great if we had. The original results (as presented) could not be confirmed. Alas. :pity_part
I explained all of this years ago.
When a sock disappears from the drier it is because it has evolved into one of the many extra clothes hangers in the hall closet. When you are looking for a hanger and can't find one it is because they have again evolved and are now keys on your keyring for which you have no lock. 1 sock is capable of producing many hangers but it takes many hangers to produce 1 useless key. I am currently missing 3 socks, have no hangers and have 4 surplus keys which open nothing I own. It's all really very simple. :)

So THAT explains it!!!!!
Wrote a nice long post but way off topic. PM sent to Radinator,

trying to do my part here:)

By the way, very inrteresting list. I am with Green Manelishi though.

Personally, It amazes and amuses me what "scientists" are looking for. Except for the fact that my tax dollars are paying for their playtime

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