12th St. Pompano for Memorial Day

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Definitely a great dive day. Weather, water temp and current were all tolerable. Dive 1 water temp 79 degrees, dive 2 temp was 81 go figure. Never thought a couple of degrees mattered that much. Jenny is quick to show newbies ( me ) all the cute sea creatures. What a great trip that was going over the Alge Farm, wow that was something. SI was a little warm, heard the temp was 92.

Rick got to take pictures, hope they come out.

Until next time. Dive safe.

My apologies to all for the quick dive and dash today. I had planned on an early dive and had get home by noon to make it to a Memorial Day picnic. However you know what they say about the best laid plans. But after a great 72 minute dive I was able to get home by and ready to make it to the picnic by 1 with only minor chastising at home. Next weekend I'll have plenty of time to socialize.

The more beach dives I do with Jenny, the more I like them. :10: Today's dive off of SE 8th was the best shore dive I've done to date. I just wish I had brought I my camera - today would have been a macro photographers delight. Even with the jetskis and the parasail boat whizzing around overhead.

After an easy swim out we dropped down to the best close in reef I've seen to date - better than the Datura/Hibiscus reef area (sacrilege! :wink:). A little patchy in spots, but it had great relief and coral heads, with mini swim throughs and holes everywhere.

As I mentioned above, there was tons of macro life all over the reef. Juvenile drums no bigger than a thumbnail; little neon blue gobies playing on coral; hermit crabs; a conch that appeared to be eating a small clam, and a black, slug-like thing that I think I've ID'd in the book as a slimy doris. I also saw the biggest porcupine fish I've ever seen.

I enjoyed watching Jenny play finger chicken with the damselfish protecting it's turf. We also spent some time looking at a coral I haven't seen before. It was a hard coral, but had what appeared to be short hair all over it that shifted in the current. I need to get the Reef Coral Identification book to round out my set.

I can't wait to get back there again.

Joe, thanks for buddying up with me, I look forward to diving with you again. Rick and Angie, nice to see you again, although for the second time it was only briefly. And Jenny and Marvel, as always it was a pleasure.

It was seriously a great dive. A bit longer walk to the water, but a shorter surface swim to the reef than at Datura/Hibiscus. It was definitely a macro paradise, and I wish I had taken the camera on the first dive, but I'm glad to have taken it on the second. I'm hoping the photos turn out nice, as this was my first underwater photography dive :D At any rate, Jenny, Joe and Marc have summed it up nicely, so for me to add anymore would be overkill. On the other hand, I must say that asides from the walks in the hot sun and the idiot that lounged at Marvel, today was the best way I know to welcome my period of bubble watching :06:, good diving, good buddies, and a wonderful wife. Jenny, am I going to get the same gratitude while I'm the one watching hermit crab? :wink:
Brent, my first thought when I saw the coral is "Oh that's pillar coral." But, I don't have the book either to identify it.
Marc- for future reference, the baby black and white fishes were highhats.
Brent, my first thought when I saw the coral is "Oh that's pillar coral." But, I don't have the book either to identify it.
Marc- for future reference, the baby black and white fishes were highhats.

The ones I saw had vertical stripes. Don't highhats have horizontal stripes, and drums vertical?

Just wait until I get home and I can pull the book out. :D
Good company and a HUGE THANKS goes to Angie who offered to keep dry the second dive and watch Hermit Crab so I could dive. Thanks Angie you're the best!

Your welcome Jenny, it was a pleasure to share time with such a sharp kid. She really knows her Jimmy Buffett, and after an hour of Fins, Margarita Ville, and Aloha?(you know the one of Jimmy Buffett singing in Hawaiian :11: ) Now, so do I..!!
So in return, I introduced her to Salsa, Spanish music(Frankie Ruiz) I guess he is to Salsa, what Jimmy Buffett is to Country..

As for the diving, it was beautiful down there. We had a good time. Oh, let's not forget the 300-lb jerk that tried to lunge at Marvel for calling the cops to what we believed was auto-theft, he almost got his! Good job Joe... :dazzler1:

Guys, thank you for diving with us to what will be Rick's last dive for a while. You guys are great buddies!!! :10:
Wow! I'm really sorry that I missed this weekend of diving. Especially diving with Rick before his time out of water at this site. Buddy, it sounds like the consensus is that you picked a great site!

Sounds like we've got a new contender for best shore dive. Of course, I think a personal inspection tour is needed before I can grant my seal of approval. :crafty:

Can't wait to see the corals, and this looks like a great place to practice with that new Fish ID slate.

My best to all,
Sounds like we've got a new contender for best shore dive. Of course, I think a personal inspection tour is needed before I can grant my seal of approval. :crafty:
My best to all,

Grier, it would also be a great spot for a night dive(no sharks!) and with Rick's B-day coming up (6-19) beach party afterwards???? :dazzler1:
As for the diving, it was beautiful down there. We had a good time. Oh, let's not forget the 300-lb jerk that tried to lunge at Marvel for calling the cops to what we believed was auto-theft, he almost got his! Good job Joe...

Dang, did I miss all the action? What's behind this story?


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