Green Frog
I know it’s a long shot but here goes. I’m trying to find replacements for the purge button stickers that were the main external difference between the various 1085 (Calypso, Conshelf or other) regulator purge buttons. They used to have them at Double Hose, and Scuba Museum still has a few but I’m sufficiently AR or OCD that I want specifically an Octopus sticker for that 1085 box that has been beautifully rebuilt from an Aquarius. It’s on a long yellow hose and I’ll try to fit a custom yellow exhaust T (thanks, @James79) so it would just be neat to find a NOS or repro Conshelf OCTO purge button sticker to make my octo “build” as close to perfect as I can get it. 
Thanks in advance for humoring an old man’s fancy.

Thanks in advance for humoring an old man’s fancy.