
  1. Budprop

    Closed: Poseidon jetstream 1st and 2nd - $125 shipped

    Excellent condition Poseidon Jetstream 1st and second stage regulator. The second stage is actually a sherwood ultima, which was a Jetstream made by Poseidon for Sherwood. The internals for both first (Poseidon 2960) and second are all Poseidon and have been professionally serviced and O2...
  2. Budprop

    For Sale Poseidon Jetstream 2nd and 2960 1st - $150

    Both have been serviced and o2 cleaned this week. Hose is genuine Poseidon - no aftermarket adaptor. Body of 2nd is a Sherwood Ultra but internals are all Poseidon. email me at budprop@gmail.com
  3. C

    For Sale Poseidon Besea 50 BCD with extra "D" Rings

    Nearly new Poseidon Besea 50 BCD that was only used a few times. This heavy duty BCD is the "Mercedes" of back inflation recreational BCDs. Super comfortable and adjustable for all sizes. Single tank adapter included with one tank band. Crotch strap with extra rear "D" rings. 2 extra "D"...
  4. C

    SPG needle dip while purging xStream 2nd stage

    Hello everyone, I would like to ask if it is normal: My SPG needle dip significantly while I purge my xStream 2nd stage. I use a 11L AL tank, DIN connector, 150 Bar air left, purge on land, needle dip from 150 to 50 but back to 150 quickly. I know Poseidon Reg has very strong purge, but is my...
  5. Budprop

    For Sale Regs, Poseidon 2305, IST ProLine, Aqualung ABS

    I have a bunch of regulators that are collecting dust and need new homes. Poseidon 2305 DIN 1st stage regulator and Farallon pressure gauge. Regulator works great, pressure gauge works and is very bright. - $50 Aqualung ABS octo. Serviced Aug '16, works great. - $50 IST Proline R750...
  6. Budprop

    Wanted Poseidon Jetstream Purge button

    I am trying to breath life in my old Jetstream 2nd. I have managed to get everything, but the purge button has a tear in it and I would like to replace it. The problem is the price everyone wants is obscene. If anyone has an extra lying around that they are willing to part with I would...
  7. Sphyrnidal

    Closed Poseidon Trident Fins size L (White) $60

    They haven't seen a lot of use. Come with original AND spring straps. Painted with black highlights for a more unique look. In great shape! Located in Spanish Fork, but I work in Draper.
  8. Murrayhawaii

    For Sale Poseidon Se7en less than 20 hours for sale

    For Sale Poseidon Se7en with less than 20 hours on it. Please message me for details. I have standard and tech lungs available, one harness, white and black batteries. I have 4 rebreathers and wife says one must go! Minimum price is $4250. Aloha. Robert
  9. T

    Failsafe Diving With Poseidon’s New Oxygen Solid State Sensor

    Poseidon’s new state of the art oxygen solid state sensor is factory-calibrated and absolute, delivering unsurpassed operating life, shelf life and calibration stability. The sensor is similarly shaped to existing galvanic sensors for ease of replacement. For more information, go to...
  10. davy j0nes

    Poseidon mark 6 rebreather for sale

    Hi guys, I have Poseidon mark 6 rebreather for sale in good good condition with many extras. 1000 euros including refillable can, & spare counter lungs. It's currently on Koh Tao, Thailand but the goods can be shipped. For more info message me here or email me as info@djldiving.com . Thanks
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