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  1. S

    Yippeeee! I think I might have a life again!

    Congrats girlfriend! Haven't been on the board for a while, glad to hear your good news.
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    Clothing advice for liveaboard

    I second this thought! The trip sounds wonderful, you can't go wrong!
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    tips for abstinence?

    Ooooh girl, abs-intense yeah, my abs get tense! (lol) when I go without, you know.... diving!
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    Lonely old lady needs feedback

    A coke and a smile!
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    Top 10 do's & don'ts

    You know it! Simon seems to be a pretty smart chap! Simon do you like Latinas? I have friends... I'll hook you up!
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    Top 10 do's & don'ts

    You are right it's very hard to do and not get taken advantage of. Sure, you can hire someone to do this- however, if you love her and she's worth it- it's priceless!
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    Lonely old lady needs feedback

    Hey, I know you are kidding, but I hear and see this all to often! When on 1st dates we are so nervous or unsure of ourselves that we'll drink up, sleep with the guy, only to say that we had to much to drink, and that we weren't ourselves. In many occassions we loose their respect. Ladies...
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    Top 10 do's & don'ts

    Good question my freind! Although I won't speak for all women... I can tell you we are all different yet very much alike! No matter how independent we are we like to be catered to.. We like to feel special (find out what we're like, ask questions). Act as if we were the only woman in your...
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    Top 10 do's & don'ts

    Well Mark I don't know if any man has that skill.. We women are to complex; we usually like it when you don't know how to handle a situation, so we could tell you guys how it's done! (lol) confused yet? Hello everyone one of the other interesting topics i've read, is knowing how to use body...
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    Lonely old lady needs feedback

    Well, explain that to us. Some of the guys I know say when a woman comes on to them it's a turn off, because they (the guys) like to do the chasing. How do we know when or how to chase without coming on as agressive?
  11. S

    Lonely old lady needs feedback

    [/b] Hey girl, sounds like you've been thru alot. However, it sounds like you're doing pretty good, considering what you've been thru. Kudos!. As to validating your sense of control in relationships and or intimacy that will come with time and practice, lol (enjoy it!). Once you've been in an...
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    Top 10 do's & don'ts

    Ladies & gent's I was going thru my e-mail the other day and came across this: Top 10 do's and don'ts for men! I will list them for you so you may see what men are reading as the best strategies to try... Ladies braze your selves.... These are the writers "Top 10 DON'Ts"; Here goes...
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    Computers & Vision Issues

    I agree with the Atmos 2 being a good choice, however the new Oceanic veo is virtually the same computer with a better price tag!..
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    Lonely old lady needs feedback

    Hi Nehallenia! It's not a waste of time, O.K..... It's easier than you think. You have his e-mail address and you're both in the same line of work, right! Anything worth having is worth planning and developing.(Take your time, don't rush into anything right away). You already sent him an...
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    Lonely old lady needs feedback

    Hi Nehallenia! Could it be, what has you feeling out of source is that it wasn't an immediate physical attraction that got you... it was his other qualities and those usually don't surface right away in some men. Why do you think he may have pitied you? Were your work clothes less than...
  16. S

    When a woman?

    I think maturity plays a big role, you can be a mature teen and be a childish adult! Womanhood can hit when you least expect it! For example some women feel it when they become mothers.. and some are just getting the hang of it at 40! Just enjoy each day as if you were a child and when you...
  17. S

    Why do guys do it?

    Hello Dr. Bill, I invite you read messages #14 & #23. Few of the comments given to dear Zoe are not uncalled for, they have been replies to her own statements! We do however have to keep in mind that she is 21 and perharps just begining to understand the mixed messages that a girl in a womans...
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    Sleep or lack there of

    Hi cobalt, glad to hear you were able to get some sleep. Last night I went to bed thinking of other ideas to offer you and help you sleep better. Well, I did fall asleep, but then woke up in the middle of the night with a horrible nightmare! It was terrible!!--It was about a Bigg-o-shark...
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    Why do guys do it?

    Zoe, let me understand this, you are having this problem with American men ONLY? The men in Australia don't come on to you? Just your bf's American friends and only when they drink, is that right?
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    Sleep or lack there of

    I agree with you Getwet2 (LOL). Sex.. works, for us girls too.... It just takes a good 3 round bout before it puts us to sleep!(lol)...
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