Found gear: what did you forget you had?

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Great Lakes Mermaid
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Great Lakes
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What have you found going through a spares box that was a significant find that you forgot you had?

I was going through a storage tub aka diving junk drawer last night looking for a few things for my upcoming MX trip for full cave class in a few weeks. I found a reg set I’d forgotten I had. Don’t have to cannibalize my sidemount set for rebreather bailout reg for upcoming class. 😁 Don’t have to buy a new set now either. That was an option I was considering.
I just moved and I found a saxophone that I forgot I owned..... On an almost daily basis do I find dive gear that I forgot I had, whether it's stuff I got in a package deal and never really registered in my brain or stuff that manufacturers have given to me to test as prototypes or review. Happens frequently. I need to write an access database to actually take a real inventory one of these days.
I found recently in a box:
- a suunto AI pod, lost the computer during a dive, it was a painful day 😂
- a hand mirror, seemed a good idea at the time but then never used it
my wife routinely finds "forgotten" stuff...... :banghead:

But seriously, there are misc. boxes, usually of service kits or "extras" such as fittings or clips, etc. I usually am getting to round up an order for shipping perks. They are scattered everywhere as they aren't put into immediate use as they weren't immediately needed.

It is kind of fun to come across a forgotten box. Christmas in July!
for YEARS I cursed that my Geo computer barely made it around my wrist + thick wetsuit - I had to really pull and manuever to get the clasp into that very last hole. PITA.

I was outraged, didnt those idiots realize that people wear thick suits to dive?!!!? Did they not design for that!!???!!

So after about 10 years, someone here wrote about Oceanics coming packaged with extenders. Yup, there it was, at the bottom of my gear drawer, LOL

I guess I didnt forget about it, I never knew I had it.
Found my old scuba pro jet fins from 1998 that I thought were gone. Found them in our long-term storage shipment as we slowly unpack from our move back to the states last year.

Next is to find some spring straps for them.

I lost an LED light on one of our trips to Lake Tahoe. It was one of those DRIS 1000 hand helds.
So I bought a new one. Meanwhile, my wife got a new car so I acquired her old ‘02 4Runner (super clean only 128K miles, my new dive vehicle). Anyway, cleaning it out I found that damn light in the passengers seat back pocket!
Now I have two, yay!
Going through some stuff I found an old 35 lb OMS doubles wing I forgot I had, and a pair of independent doubles brackets that are solid brass and were made by OMS. The tanks cam band on on each side of these brackets and the rods go through the brackets and into the plate like any other set if doubles. I think they called them travel brackets.
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