The continuing sagas of the Blue Heron Bridge

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Cool! Thanks for sharing.

What are the skinny guys sticking their heads out of the sand?

So, I can get rid of the hood now??



female Bluethroat Pikeblenny


Snake Eel
Does anyone know what nights this week any shops are putting on night dives?


Force E is sponsoring a night dive on Saturday the 16th. And then two in May. I want to say May 1 and 15 but double check: the schedule is posted on their Face Book event page.

Video Dude and I are planning on this Sat.
Humann/DeLoach describes this nudi as a Gold-Fringed Nudibranch - Cerberilla cf. tanna. Nudipixel does not list this species; Sea Slug Forum shows a tan version of a very similar nudi. You might consider submitting to Nudi Pixel as I did not see anything like this one in their database. Great photos! Approximately how big was it?

I got some photos of the same nudi back in February. Nice photos! I tentatively identified it as Flabellina verta - submitted my photo to Nudi Pixel, but have not received verification as yet.
It was about 3/4"
I am working on a new issue of the South Florida Dive Journal South Florida Dive Journal > Home

In the last issue, we began a series on "The Hunt for Macro Monsters" South Florida Dive Journal > page16

In our new issue to come out in about 2 weeks, Sandra and I want to crreate a huge Blue Heron Bridge segment of this continuing series, and we would like the photographers here on SB that we see at the BHB and posting pics all the time, to contribute photos for the next issue. We have a reasonable collection of good BHB creatures with just Sandra's photos, but if we get some of the best shots that a bunch of you guys have gotten, from enough of you, this could be a really spectacular resource for the future, and also a cool way for alot of you to be seen by a very wide audience....each pic we use would get full credits on captions.

If you guys like this idea, we will start working up a shot list of the what we should include.
We use big photos in , so if you want to do this, figure the size we would want to receive should be 2500 pixel width on the long edge, and at 100% jpeg quality...we will resize smaller a bit, but some could be full page horizontal, depending on how they fit in to a story line.

We are beginning on this article development now.

Dan and Sandra
South Florida Dive Journal > Home
The South Florida Dive Journal
Force E is sponsoring a night dive on Saturday the 16th. And then two in May. I want to say May 1 and 15 but double check: the schedule is posted on their Face Book event page.

Video Dude and I are planning on this Sat.

Thanks, my wife and I will be there! Maybe we will get a chance to meet you.

Oh no! Say it ain't so! I'll pray to the sea gods may their masks always be foggy, may their o-rings always blow ... (or at least send a bunch of students their way) :praying:

Here is Baby Daddy yesterday courtesy of Fisheye and my blurry photo from March 8, exactly a month ago. His belly is definitely distended in both but it hasn't changed much.

View attachment 92575 View attachment 92576

Saw him swimming freely around the north corner of his usual structure. Was able to point him out to a divemaster and his group of students. Noticed that most all of the sponges he usually hangs on are now missing. :depressed:

Made it home last night and got to watch the final round of The Masters today without anyone telling me what happened. :D

Whilst I'm getting in a good number of dives down yonder, I take way too many pictures and I'm miles behind on processing them. I *swear* I'm going to get caught up this week.

Spent a large portion of my bottom time yesterday trying to get a false ciliated squilla to hold still long enough for me to get a purty pitcher of him with a +6 diopterized macro lens in my way. He never did, but a small percentage of the shots came out OK, anyway. Oddly enough, I had no idea what it even *was* (thought it was a mantis shrimp) until I looked it up last night, and thought that I had never seen one. However, I realized that I *had* seen one a few weeks ago. That one was peeking out of a hole and throwing big handfuls of sand out.

(Scratch that. Once I finally went through a ridiculous number of photos {can't believe how much time I've wasted on this stuff} and found him, it looks like it's the same creature in the first pic in FisheyeView's first post in this thread - Swollen-Claw Mantis Neogonodactylus oerstedii).

Then, just a couple of minutes after giving up on the first one, the next urchin that I turned over yielded another, larger one, holding an armful of eggs, in the same manner as the one from a few weeks ago held his gob of sand. Apparently, having to use up a bunch of those legs for holding the eggs, this slightly larger one (inch and a quarter?) occasionally stopped long enough to give me *some* chance of composing and focusing.

Included a pic of the first guy performing his patented "flip" move for change of direction. I feel he sensed that I was attempting to "lead him" for some shots. :D



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Dive report from today. 2 hrs, 23 min bottom time. I had 79 for a temp - still in my 5mm and at first I thought I was going to be too warm but got distracted and forgot about the bath water. Viz maybe 15-20 ft with bright sunshine. Nice conditions with very few divers. I did not have a chance to check on Baby Daddy - too distracted with everything else.

My intel did not fail. I found "Puff" early on in the area I planned to look. I spent a good hour with him, even shot a little video which I will post as soon as I've uploaded to YouTube. He was big - 7-8" and very active. Two divers approached, I saw they were photographers so finally left him in the capable lenses of two fancy cameras.

Lots of cute juvenile sea robins, about the size of my pinkie.

And octopi abound. This was the most cooperative of the bunch.

Before I went to Phil Foster Park I swung by the Admiral's Club to donate a few door prizes for this weekend's open house. It's a really nice place! If anyone is interested in details feel free to PM me.

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