Edge epic regs?

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Hi Edge guys,

I was looking at your Epic reg system on the web, it seems pretty nice. Do you have technical data available as to how the reg breathes at various simulated depths and RMVs based upon the ANSTI machine? The only data I could find on your web site is this:


thanks for your help

Im sure Chris has the info your looking for, but I can tell you they are great regs. We put the environmental kit on some and have them in rental, they breath really great for the price. We have sold quite a few and had no issues with them at all, if you have taken or plan to take a reg tech course, we also sell the rebuild kits for them...which makes it very nice if you also buy a few needed items to fix your regs...

Im sure Chris from Edge will be along shortly :)
Hi Edge guys,

I was looking at your Epic reg system on the web, it seems pretty nice. Do you have technical data available as to how the reg breathes at various simulated depths and RMVs based upon the ANSTI machine? The only data I could find on your web site is this:


thanks for your help


If Chris doesn't have the ANSTI test data immediately handy, I am sure he can get it for us in a couple of days.

When Chris (Edge) got his first prototypes of these regulators from the manufacturer, he sent several to use to "use, abuse, and disassemble". We took them apart over and over and over and studied every piece. In addition, our equipment technician has been using one from that original batch as his primary regulator for over a year now. I can tell you this.....this is a very high-performance, easy breathing regulator. The first stage is compact and has a very unique HP seat assembly design. The "soft" seat is a flow through design, somewhat unique for diaphragm regulators. The second stage is a well-crafted clone of several big-dollar second stages currently on the market. It also features one improvement that I think is needed....there are two o-rings on the very small portion of the poppet that seals into the balance chamber.

Personally, I don't think you could go wrong with this regulator. Very simple, very high performance. For the price, I don't think any other regulator can beat it.

Phil Ellis
Discount Scuba Gear at DiveSports.com - Buy Scuba Diving Equipment & Snorkeling Equipment
If Chris doesn't have the ANSTI test data immediately handy, I am sure he can get it for us in a couple of days.

When Chris (Edge) got his first prototypes of these regulators from the manufacturer, he sent several to use to "use, abuse, and disassemble". We took them apart over and over and over and studied every piece. In addition, our equipment technician has been using one from that original batch as his primary regulator for over a year now. I can tell you this.....this is a very high-performance, easy breathing regulator. The first stage is compact and has a very unique HP seat assembly design. The "soft" seat is a flow through design, somewhat unique for diaphragm regulators. The second stage is a well-crafted clone of several big-dollar second stages currently on the market. It also features one improvement that I think is needed....there are two o-rings on the very small portion of the poppet that seals into the balance chamber.

Personally, I don't think you could go wrong with this regulator. Very simple, very high performance. For the price, I don't think any other regulator can beat it.

Phil Ellis
Discount Scuba Gear at DiveSports.com - Buy Scuba Diving Equipment & Snorkeling Equipment


They seem like great regs from what I have heard. I especially like the part about being friendly toward self-repair. If the data supports what everyone has been saying I'd like to get a set of these.
I can't seem to find where I filed the antsi report on the Epic. I'll have one soon to post....

I have found some readouts on the new HOG regulator I'll be ready to deliver in March or so!

here is a tease....
Hi! I for one would still like to see that ANSTI report :D

Just came from a wreck dive using one of these regs...


I do however, want to make sure mine is up to spec. IP is set to 140, pressing the purge drops it down to 110, then it goes back to 135 and takes about 5 seconds to creep up to 140. Left it pressurized, and it locked up at 140.

Would it breathe even better if I coupled it with a balanced second?

thanks :D
I'm friendly to people self servicing if they have taken a clinic so have an idea of what they are doing. Look for some news soon on this from me... :)

I'm glad you guys posted, I've been so buried up getting new product and ready for DEMA, while writing course outlines....and shipping more than a few orders (THANK YOU everybody!)

I'm at home today but will get some stuff posted by early next week with more details.

DOC ED, the second stage is a balanced, and that IP swing is a little high.
Thanks Cerich, waiting for further info...

Herman, it kinda looks like an apeks US4, except for the HP valve. Been comparing it with SCS of Mares... :D
A lot of the new regs look a lot like Apexs. One in particular brand I got a manual and parts kit for was exactly like an Apex. I compaired the parts form 2 new parts kits and both were the same. One of the ways I evaluate a new reg is on availibility of parts and information. I read parts manuals instead of sales hype, I don't care what shinny bobble you put on the outside or how you have renamed the same old feature as the latest and greatest new idea...prove it to me with technical data, the most important being exploaded views and descriptions of operation. If the company chooses not to support me and to allow me to make my own service decisions, they are removed from my buy list, that simple. I will not accept just bring it in and trust our techs. The very mention of the tired old arguments of it's too difficult and takes special training or it's life support equipment starts me adding them to the do not buy list. There is one newer brand that got thrown off my list very quickly because of they are trying to follow the SP model of hiding their info and not selling parts. The CEO gave me the "just take it to our reps" , it's too difficult for a diver to servise BS. I have serviced everything from Apexs to Zeagles and some regs that have not been made for 40 or more years. Manuals and parts do not exist for them so I have had to make custom parts so being told that I am not allowed to work on my own regs or they will not sell me parts for them is unacceptable. Just imagine how fast a car company would fail if they took that attitude......now if I can get down off the soapbox without falling. :)

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