Scuba a dying sport?

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When you were certified, could you afford a flight and a week in Bonaire (Heck, I was a struggling college student... not me)

In my local diving I see them of all ages. Yes, diving can be expensive. Get away from Bonaire and dive where it's cheap... springs, shore, bridges, etc. and you will run into the masses of younger divers.

As many here have stated, it's all about where you are in life as to what you can afford. My first travel out of state to dive was a 4-day dive trip to Cozumel. The flight and hotel cost me $240 (I went for dive shop cost). I had to borrow $5 to pay my exit tax

Travel is the worst part, but even diving locally, renting equipment for a weekend tends to cost around $75-$100, a round of golf (also expensive) is cheaper.
How many years ago was For me to go to cozimel would cost me a 1000.00 bucks right now.
Exactly! It was back in the 80's right after I became and instructor. If I had to pay the $500 it cost everyone else, I couldn't have made it.

black Beards just booked out of our dive shop for 900.00. I don't consider that cheap by any means. I agree stay home and dive local, We do have many great wrecks here in Ontario. I don't agree on diving being that cheap,

7 mm Wetsuit 300.00
hood 50.00
gloves 50.00
BCD 500.00
Regs 600.00
SPG Depth 300.00
Mask 100.00
Fins 100.00
snorkle (class) 40.00
Course 300.00
Tank AL 80 (1) 200.00

Total 2540.00 plus tax 304.80
Grand Total $2844.80

Thats just the basic ( cheaper) low to med quality equipment in Canadian funds that we need to dive with. Not including charters, no computer, air fills, travelling. This is just the basic set up. Now you may also see why so many go online for cheaper used eqipment and we won't start a new thread about that. It's not a cheap as some think it is and for students I say thats alot of money. Just an example. I won't tell what i spent this
It depends on where you live and dive. Here in Fl. one can make a shore dive renting equipment and it is generally less than the cost of a date night out...

If you own your own gear, it costs the $6 air fill to make a shore dive
Travel is the worst part, but even diving locally, renting equipment for a weekend tends to cost around $75-$100, a round of golf (also expensive) is cheaper.
That is dependent on where you live... I imagine renting in Seattle is more expensive than south Fl. or other areas that have greater dive populations.
Exactly! It was back in the 80's right after I became and instructor. If I had to pay the $500 it cost everyone else, I couldn't have made it.

It depends on where you live and dive. Here in Fl. one can make a shore dive renting equipment and it is generally less than the cost of a date night out...

If you own your own gear, it costs the $6 air fill to make a shore dive

I agree, thats why I said Here in Ontario, Canada. We cant dive in shorty's or 3 mil unless a pool. Our air fills are about the same. Most guys dive a 7 mil year round. Suit and a vest in spring and fall weather. Check out a few sites up here even rentals get cost a lot. Not saying we got it tough, just a bit of a cost.
Greetings Palaopete, I would speculate that $$ has a lot to do with your observation.
Many young people are not only unbelievably busy but also not in a financial position to handle certification and gear costs. I know and understand this all to well. I am 40 years old but have friends much younger who have struggles with gear. The other group is the young married with kids, say no more. It is just tough to make time when there is no time left. I feel the challenge to us as divers is to try to facilitate, make it easier for new divers.
If that means getting involved in a local dive club and volunteering to help out some new divers or sponsoring "$$", helping with gear, etc. The key is get involved in promoting diving! It is a great opportunity to make new divers with the current economic state there will be many who will give up just because they feel overwhelmed financially. If we as a diving community can help encourage diving hopefuls and offer some assistance we can all do our part. I have seen this principal at work. It is a great thing to see diving vets helping new divers. My instructor has modeled this behavior as well as personally made it possible for new divers to be certified.
I personally have chosen to involve my two children in diving. Both are snorkeling and loving every minute! My daughter is working on her JOW, she will be 12 soon. My son is going to be 10 Dec.29 and is excited to start on the academics. Well maybe the pool dives anyway. I could not think of a better gift to give to a child than to offer a life long gift of adventure underwater. The skills and discipline diving requires teach valuable life lessons as well.
Make a difference in a kids life and change the world forever! Diving changed my life and opened a new world for me it is natural to share that with others!
Grandparents, uncles / aunts, etc. get involved the rewards are great!
CamG Keep diving....keep training....keep learning!
I personally have chosen to involve my two children in diving. Both are snorkeling and loving every minute! My daughter is working on her JOW, she will be 12 soon. My son is going to be 10 Dec.29 and is excited to start on the academics. Well maybe the pool dives anyway. I could not think of a better gift to give to a child than to offer a life long gift of adventure underwater. The skills and discipline diving requires teach valuable life lessons as well.

My 10 year old grandson was certified (JOW) about a month ago and his father was certified the month before. I provided all of the funding for training, equipment and travel. It hasn't been cheap!

However, there are some kids that are born to dive and my grandson is one. He absolutely loves diving at Monterey and I suspect we will be going again during Christmas break. He will be able to spend a lifetime diving if he so chooses.

My 10 year old grandson was certified (JOW) about a month ago and his father was certified the month before. I provided all of the funding for training, equipment and travel. It hasn't been cheap!

However, there are some kids that are born to dive and my grandson is one. He absolutely loves diving at Monterey and I suspect we will be going again during Christmas break. He will be able to spend a lifetime diving if he so chooses.


Thats the kind of stories I like to hear. It is good to see such a great interest shown by children when it comes to any sport, diving...even better!
I think the ones stating the money issue are on the right track. I was certified when I was 23, but took twelve years off because noon of my friends could afford it. I got back into it when my son got old enough to dive. We got him certified for his eleventh birthday 4 years ago. We dove a lot when he first got certified. Now I am divorced, money is tight, and we just dive now and then. I am sure when we have the money, we will start diving again on a regular basis.

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