Scuba a dying sport?

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BY DEFINITION, SCUBA is a sport. Geeez, get a dictionary and read it. You guys would argue to h--- freezes over, it is in black and white----BY DEFINITION---SCUBA is a sport.

The English language does evolve, that's a fact. Just think of all of the new terms used today due to political correctness.

Diving is a sport?

New terms are not the reason I posed this hyjack. Just because the IOC now considers chess a sport is not reason enough for me to consider chess a sport, although it may be enough for a dictionary. Just because ESPN considers texas hold-um to be a sport is not reason enough for me to consider texas hold-um a sport.

There was some dictionary that was the first to include scuba as a sport, or use sport in the definition of scuba, but the year before scuba was not "by definition" a sport. It may very well come to be that the printed definition of marriage will change to "2 people" but I will remember when the printed definition was "man and woman."

I contend that calling something a sport does not neccessarily make something a sport, even if dictionaries are doing the calling. What it shows is that our ignorant use of a word is so widespread as to be common usage. I wish I could say it ain't so :shakehead:

Perhaps one of the reasons scuba is suffering is because so many people confusingly use the term sport when discussing scuba. :rofl3:
Perhaps one of the reasons scuba is suffering is because so many people confusingly use the term sport when discussing scuba. :rofl3:

Sport or not, who really cares? Whatever it's classified as, I just like doing it.:D

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