Fall MegaDive Oct 19-21, Ginnie Springs, Turkey Roost

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If any of you ever hear that I got arrested trying to buy alcohol while underaged, it's probably because I wanted to bribe a mod.....

The funny thing is, if I change the password, then he'll try so manyt imes that my computer restarts, then try again and again and again....all while I'm schlepping gear around in the garage trying to figure out which tanks have air and which truck the empty ones should go in and who should drive to CE to get air and who should go straight to the site.....maybe I should find myself a different dive buddy....maybe a cuter female one.

I had a lot of fun. I am new to the board but I came along with Shouden and had a blast. Never experienced anything like the galaxy dive before !! What an awesome experience!!

I just wanted to thank everyone for a wonderful time. It was great having an opportunity to put names to faces. I'm sorry I'm so terrible with names, I only managed to remember a few people's names.. so to avoid it altogether, I'll just say it was nice meeting everyone I met. :) Each time I come to a ScubaBoard meetup, I meet so many wonderful people. It was such a great time, it made all the hard work before (and hurting budget after) worth it.

For those of you who have not experienced a true galaxy dive..you really truly missed out. It was nearly beyond trying to express in words. While the two pix posted earlier were very neat, they don't come close to expressing what it was really like to see it firsthand. The best way I can think to describe the experience is it is like watching colorful nebulae in space grow in sped-up time.

I can't wait for the next MegaDive. I'd like to find some hi-intensity 'raver' glowsticks and help set up the light show next time. :) The only thing missing from the show was a musical soundtrack. hehe

Until next time my friends..

p.s. You can count on me bringing the fire poi next year(and many more) too. :wink:

I'm having trouble uploading it to SB's galleries, so you'll have to click on the link...
Roxane and I want to thank everyone for sharing another GREAT Mega-Dive weekend with us.

David thanks for get this event scheduled and all your hard work.
Ken thanks for the breakfast cooking.
Mardie is was great seeing you attending again.
Mania we hope you enjoyed your first Mega-Dive.

To all our old friends and the new ones we made this weekend, THANK YOU for another great event. There were to many of you to name everyone but I think we got to talk with each of you.

We are already looking forward to the spring event.

Great picture folks keep them coming.
Excellent photos Dave! I love this pic of Roxanne!

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