I think a few very important skills are missing. The first is right out of the certification class.
Disconnect the LP inflator, dump air, reinflate orally and dive for a while and do an entire ascent with the inflator disconnected. You might try reconnecting underwater as well. This is an extremely important safety skill in my book.
Another is to do a complete ascent using the safe second or for me it is the Air 2. It is essential to be comfortable diving and doing ascents and controlling buoyancy using this back up gear, if you have it.
Another simpler thing to do, is to just practice placing your hand on various items on your rig, in a super fast, smooth and efficient manner and without looking. You may not even need to deploy them, (which can be bothersome), but being able to instantly put your hand on your knife, your back up knife, your rear dump, you weight belt buckle or weight releases from the BC, safe second, smb, light, harness clips, catch bag etc. This kind of reach and touch, is not (or should not) be disruptive to the dive, but it makes sense to practice until it is unproductive and you see no room for significant improvement.
All these things can be done without interfering with your dive, your buddy might not even notice you are doing them.
I also like to practice the scuba unit remove and replace underwater, but this is obviously completely disruptive to the dive, but makes sense to do with a buddy if you often dive solo and have the appropriate environment.
Disconnect the LP inflator, dump air, reinflate orally and dive for a while and do an entire ascent with the inflator disconnected. You might try reconnecting underwater as well. This is an extremely important safety skill in my book.
Another is to do a complete ascent using the safe second or for me it is the Air 2. It is essential to be comfortable diving and doing ascents and controlling buoyancy using this back up gear, if you have it.
Another simpler thing to do, is to just practice placing your hand on various items on your rig, in a super fast, smooth and efficient manner and without looking. You may not even need to deploy them, (which can be bothersome), but being able to instantly put your hand on your knife, your back up knife, your rear dump, you weight belt buckle or weight releases from the BC, safe second, smb, light, harness clips, catch bag etc. This kind of reach and touch, is not (or should not) be disruptive to the dive, but it makes sense to practice until it is unproductive and you see no room for significant improvement.
All these things can be done without interfering with your dive, your buddy might not even notice you are doing them.
I also like to practice the scuba unit remove and replace underwater, but this is obviously completely disruptive to the dive, but makes sense to do with a buddy if you often dive solo and have the appropriate environment.