I had been living in Misrata full time since my home in Tripoli was destroyed in the war in 2019. It takes me a 5 minute drive to get to most dive sites in Misrata (some will take 20 minutes). Now that I moved back to Tripoli since my father passed away in July and live in a gated community right on shore, it only takes me 2 minutes to get down to the rocky dive spot I use to enter the water (It may take me 5 minutes to get there if I stop at the store to buy water and after-dive chocolate
The local dive site where I now live in Tripoli, only a 2 minute drive:
The spot where I enter the water, facing south so it is slightly protected from waves. I used to put my equipment on the water's edge before entering the water. I'd put the equipment on while on the water but now I just put equipment on at the back of the truck and walk from the truck to the water's edge, it is only 35 meters from the back of the truck to the entry point. I do take my fins, float, DPV and camera to the water's edge before I get dressed and put them on after I jump in the water with BC and fins on. I do a "giant stride" into the water:
I sometimes get into the water from the tiny sandy shore where I park my truck with suit on before I put the scuba unit on to cool off when it is very hot, July and especially August.
I still have a home in Misrata and go back there frequently (My big dive locker is still there too). Misrata's dive sites have much easier access to the water. Misrata also has faster access to the dive sites due to MUCH less traffic than in Tripoli. Misrata is about 230 Km away from Tripoli, a 2.5 - 5 hour drive depending on traffic.
I didn't get to do much diving this year because of the most terrible weather I have ever seen in Libya. High seas most of the time. I was also very busy after my father's passing and dealing with various issues related to his death. Most terrible summer.

The local dive site where I now live in Tripoli, only a 2 minute drive:
The spot where I enter the water, facing south so it is slightly protected from waves. I used to put my equipment on the water's edge before entering the water. I'd put the equipment on while on the water but now I just put equipment on at the back of the truck and walk from the truck to the water's edge, it is only 35 meters from the back of the truck to the entry point. I do take my fins, float, DPV and camera to the water's edge before I get dressed and put them on after I jump in the water with BC and fins on. I do a "giant stride" into the water:
I sometimes get into the water from the tiny sandy shore where I park my truck with suit on before I put the scuba unit on to cool off when it is very hot, July and especially August.
I still have a home in Misrata and go back there frequently (My big dive locker is still there too). Misrata's dive sites have much easier access to the water. Misrata also has faster access to the dive sites due to MUCH less traffic than in Tripoli. Misrata is about 230 Km away from Tripoli, a 2.5 - 5 hour drive depending on traffic.
I didn't get to do much diving this year because of the most terrible weather I have ever seen in Libya. High seas most of the time. I was also very busy after my father's passing and dealing with various issues related to his death. Most terrible summer.