Eric Sedletzky
Oh boy, you’re going to open a whole can of worms with crazy talk about hand swimming!What’s wrong with paddling with your hands? Where did the BS that you shouldn’t paddle with your hands come from? I use every means available to me to negotiate my way through a wreck or through a gap as smoothly as I can and if that means paddling with my hands then that’s the way it should be. Maybe some are so fixed in their ways they think everything else is wrong.
I know it’s a natural human or mammalian instinct to hand swim. Whales do it, pinnipeds guide their way with front flippers, porpoises guide their way with pectoral fins which would be the same thing as our arms. People use hands to make slight corrections in trim and positioning all the time, and not just newbies. But be warned, around here any mention of hand use at all will get you flogged by the hand use nazis.
Just a friendly warning