The crime is not the victim's fault. In regards to petty theft from parked rental trucks at dive sites, there are standardized simple measures posing not great cost or inconvenience that can make the risk of such almost negligible (doors unlocked, windows down, no valuables left in truck). If someone ignores all that, it is not his fault if his window is broken and his ham sandwich stolen. But there are ways to minimize risk and I think most of us choose to do so.
When does the madness end? Let me explain, in a civilized society there is a basic expectation of security. Bonaire is not a 3rd world country or a remote location with the Taliban running around.
If you say its reasonable that you have to take your reasonable precautions which are DON'T BRING ANYTHING YOU CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT BECAUSE IT'S LIKELY TO GET STOLEN, IF YOU LEAVE IT IN YOUR RENTAL VEHICLE, then I say you should be just as reasonable to forgo any resemblance of security in your hotel room, and if someone takes your laptop, so be it, you screwed up, you brought it along to Bonaire. Next I want you to give up any reasonable expectations of security in your own home also, if somebody steals your TV, so be it, you screwed up by owning one. Don't call the cops, don't report it, suck it up, that's life, they are supposed to steal your TV set.
You are supposed to be able to lock a car without the threat of it being broken into. Everyone repeat that out loud three times and stop the craziness and denial.
Reasonable expectations are if you lock something it should be safe. Now once in a great while somebody will step out of these bounds and a break in will occur, this is norm in society there are always going to be exceptions. With these exceptions you then have law enforcement to step in and catch these few individuals who step outside what is considered reasonable and they get put in jail. When you don't have that occurring you get the destruction of reasonable expectations and crazy work-arounds such as- don't lock the car because your car will be broken into and the windows broken. That's the failure people, not the accepted norm of society. That's the result of accepting no law enforcement, no justice system doing it's job. Stop empowering the criminals by accepting unreasonable lack of law enforcement and writing it off to - that's just what you have to do. If you're so ready to accept that, then you better be ready to accept the next escalation which is your hotel isn't safe via reasonable security precautions either. Everytime anyone accepts that the criminals run the island and that's just the way it is, its one more step down the slippery slope to escalations of crime like next thing you know they will be robbing grocery stores.
Oh, wait, we are already there now aren't we.
If you have tolerance for petty crime, don't come a crying when you're a victim of major crime from a criminal who was once a petty criminal.