Yukon tangent thread

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It's an odd board that everything a member says is questioned and blown off, unless you approve to the amount of clarification or witness. I did not see you on the mod list, in fact mods who I used to dislike here are way more professional than I remember.
This is the internet after all, so I think a modicum of suspiciousness is probably a healthy thing, at least until someone has established a reputation for veracity over a significant period of time. So please, lighten up a bit, there's really little or no need for the level of wounded pride that you are displaying.
. . . in fact mods who I used to dislike here are way more professional than I remember.

:huh: . . . Are you a sock puppet, then?
This is the internet after all, so I think a modicum of suspiciousness is probably a healthy thing, at least until someone has established a reputation for veracity over a significant period of time. So please, lighten up a bit, there's really little or no need for the level of wounded pride that you are displaying.

I was a member here years ago. Basically treated the same way. Deleted my account and left the BS sorry I meant SB behind.
Some members were always better than others. What someone said was useless for some reason because another diver with 17,000 posts but 100 dives said it was. That is absurd. I personally would rather listen to someone with more dives than posts. Someone who doesn't quote manuals or websites all day long but personal knowledge/experience.

IDK why SB post hierarchy has anything to do with witness. I rejoined to help the thread after I was on the water that day. Maybe if this goes to court the judge will ask how many SB posts I have before he allows my testimony.

Again seems like some divers would rather dismiss what they don't want to hear and accept whatever they want. In this thread speculation is accepted more than people who were there and that is a scary thing. As long as you have the # of posts to sway the conversation. This feels like an Iraqi election.
I was a member here years ago. Basically treated the same way. Deleted my account and left the BS sorry I meant SB behind.
Some members were always better than others. What someone said was useless for some reason because another diver with 17,000 posts but 100 dives said it was. That is absurd. I personally would rather listen to someone with more dives than posts. Someone who doesn't quote manuals or websites all day long but personal knowledge/experience.

IDK why SB post hierarchy has anything to do with witness. I rejoined to help the thread after I was on the water that day. Maybe if this goes to court the judge will ask how many SB posts I have before he allows my testimony.

Again seems like some divers would rather dismiss what they don't want to hear and accept whatever they want. In this thread speculation is accepted more than people who were there and that is a scary thing. As long as you have the # of posts to sway the conversation. This feels like an Iraqi election.

Since this is round 2 for you, you probably remember that there are lots of folks, with lots of points of view, and not all of them are on topic. You probably remember that you learn who might know what they are writing about, who is respected, and who is best ignored.

I disagree with your initial assertion that the Humboldt leaving the scene was a contributing cause to this particular fatality. However, that is simply my opinion, and not something I could prove conclusively with the currently available "facts."

You were on the water that day, in the vicinity, according to your posts, which I have no reason to doubt. I tend to believe your assertion of the timeline, just not your conclusion about its significance to this fatality.

Given your description of the timeline, the Humboldt made a serious error. This error needs to be corrected ASAP so that it does not contribute to a future fatality.
This error needs to be corrected ASAP so that it does not contribute to a future fatality.

I think so too. I would just prefer that people didn't have to die in the process or learning lessons.

If someone died for every lesson that I learned the pile of bodies would be awful high.
I was a member here years ago. Basically treated the same way. Deleted my account and left the BS sorry I meant SB behind.
Some members were always better than others. What someone said was useless for some reason because another diver with 17,000 posts but 100 dives said it was. That is absurd. I personally would rather listen to someone with more dives than posts. Someone who doesn't quote manuals or websites all day long but personal knowledge/experience.
I agree with you in theory, but the fact of the matter is that I have a much better read on the creditability of the diver with 17,000 posts and 100 dives than I do on the diver with 100 posts who is claiming 17,000 dives. Yes?
IDK why SB post hierarchy has anything to do with witness. I rejoined to help the thread after I was on the water that day. Maybe if this goes to court the judge will ask how many SB posts I have before he allows my testimony.
No, if you go to court you will be under oath, subject to prosecution for perjury and exposed to both direct and cross examination. Think of the questions being asked here as cross examination, believe me, they are a lot friendlier and much easier than real cross examination.
Again seems like some divers would rather dismiss what they don't want to hear and accept whatever they want.
That's just most people, most of the time. If you are surprised by that, you need to get out more,
In this thread speculation is accepted more than people who were there and that is a scary thing. As long as you have the # of posts to sway the conversation. This feels like an Iraqi election.
As I said before, # of posts that display consistency and truthfulness goes a long way, why do you find that surprising?
I was a member here years ago. Basically treated the same way. Deleted my account and left ...

How did you delete your account?

While it is not directly pertinent to the events on the Yukon under discussion, it may reflect on your credibility and the credibility of your contributions.
:huh: . . . Are you a sock puppet, then?

Not sure if that is derogatory or what you are calling me....

That's a slang term for a second (or more) account for a user. Think of them as "imaginary friends." The Terms of Service (TOS) do not allow this. It can be abused to make one person appear as several. Not derogatory, per se. And you have explained (at least to my satisfaction) the reason (then, and now).
How did you delete your account?

While it is not directly pertinent to the events on the Yukon under discussion, it may reflect on your credibility and the credibility of your contributions.

I guess to contribute to the off topic"ness". More like abandoned would be the proper term. Sorry not delete. After years of being gone I could not log in, couldn't even remember my exact user name, old email was gone, and lost password failed through AOL. So not worth trying to reestablish an account 7 or 8 years old. This is what happens when you get old.

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