Yukon tangent thread

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Cool the replies seem to be slowing down!

When I was in my wreck diving class at the Yukon Saturday morning, our instructor, who has over 400 dives at the Yukon, religiously sticks to the 1/3 1/3 1/3 rule. He has a 72 HP steel tank, and came up with about 900 PSI with a dive time of about 25 minutes. So he came up with about 1/3 in reserve.

One of our other divers with a 120 HP came up with about the same amount, less than 1000 PSI. I also have a 120 HP and came up with 1600 PSI. But because we were doing this as a group, we all came up together. I showed a max depth of 87 feet.

A ScubaBoard Staff Message...

Off topic discussion on gas rules for solo divers that did not pertain specifically to this incident has been moved to Advanced Scuba forum, and can be reached by clicking here.

Please remember this thread is for the discussion of this incident. Theories of gas management in general belong in other sections. I have made efforts to leave posts pertaining on gas management in this incident here. If you wish to discuss general gas rules for solo diving, post in the split thread.

However I am rather impressed by how well this thread has stayed on topic. Thank you all for respecting the rules of the forum, you have not only my gratitude, but that of those who are reading and learning from your discussion.
Yes. Over an hour delay. Not alleged.

From my view and what I got from radio coms that day.

- Humboldt brought divers on board at the Yukon (most of them)
- Humboldt did partial SI at the Yukon
- Humboldt traveled to Ruby (passed other dive boat en route)
- Humboldt completed SI at Ruby (with time at Yukon and Ruby about an hour)
- Humboldt put divers in the water at Ruby E.
- Humboldt found out a diver was missing upon recovering divers at Ruby E and returned to Yukon

Wow. Unless you're ready to put that in a sworn affidavit, you might want to rethink making such statements. IMO.
Wow. Unless you're ready to put that in a sworn affidavit, you might want to rethink making such statements. IMO.

I am sure it will be taken as one viewpoint among many who were on the water that day. The same when you get 10 different stories from people who all witnessed something while standing in the same room. So sworn no, but good enough for SB, of course it is. I saw what I could through binos before I got up there. I scope out spots and try to stay away from the charter boats. I listen to CH16 and switch when there is good traffic. Like that day they went to CH11 to broadcast additional traffic.

On a side note it is awfully annoying how you keep asking for proof and for people to elaborate then you shoot them down when they give the actual info. Sounds like I would be better off just keeping you in the dark and keep you always just asking for more information and then just denying you. But in the end my viewpoint of the incident that day was much closer and clearer than one from Huachuca.
On a side note it is awfully annoying how you keep asking for proof and for people to elaborate then you shoot them down when they give the actual info. Sounds like I would be better off just keeping you in the dark and keep you always just asking for more information and then just denying you. But in the end my viewpoint of the incident that day was much closer and clearer than one from Huachuca.

Oh, really? :rofl3:

And just where have I done that, please? :)
Yes. Over an hour delay. Not alleged.

From my view and what I got from radio coms that day.

- Humboldt brought divers on board at the Yukon (most of them)
- Humboldt did partial SI at the Yukon
- Humboldt traveled to Ruby (passed other dive boat en route)
- Humboldt completed SI at Ruby (with time at Yukon and Ruby about an hour)
- Humboldt put divers in the water at Ruby E.
- Humboldt found out a diver was missing upon recovering divers at Ruby E and returned to Yukon

That is a long time.
How do you know the tank was empty? Source, please.

This is the ONLY place I have seen that says "there was no air left in his tank". However, the Humboldt AFAIK did not return to the scene. How would people on the Humboldt know about air in the diver's tank?

How do you know this? Source, please.

So it's speculation that you are touting as fact.

Yes, you are begging for info and you do not appreciate others feedback or you question too many people that make statements as not being worthy or containing facts that don't appease you. I think all of these were on one page. I get less questions from my 3 years old.


Oh, really? And just where have I done that, please?
Yes, you are begging for info and you do not appreciate others feedback or you question too many people that make statements as not being worthy or containing facts that appease you. I think all of these were on one page. I get less questions from my 3 years old.

Tsk :no: One of the rules of the forum is to cite your sources. I simply asked for that.

You "heard on the radio". You "saw some things from another boat". Then you come to a conclusion and state it as fact.

All of the above that you quoted was me asking for source - is it speculation or fact? You have been speculating your hiney off! Until these things are sworn statements, or could be entered into the record as such, they are not facts.

As for your statement of the whereabouts of the Humboldt, unless you started logging these times in a matter to which you could swear they are the truth, those times are still your best guess and should be stated as such.

I have dismissed no one's speculation, only questioned to ensure validity or speculation. :)
unless you started logging these times in a matter to which you could swear they are the truth, those times are still your best guess and should be stated as such.
Again dismissed. Apparently my level of witness is not good enough for you. But now you require times in order to be appeased. Totally expected. Now I go into my planned defense. And you will stay in the dark.

I do not remember reading that I must swear to all of my posts or get them pre-approved by you.

I have dismissed no one's speculation, only questioned to ensure validity or speculation. :)

I stand by what I posted. If you are calling me a liar then say it. And back it up with your witness statement............

Where do I find this Holy Bible of Jax to swear on? Must be the only way to be accepted on SB. But I could not find it in the policies.

It's an odd board that everything a member says is questioned and blown off, unless you approve to the amount of clarification or witness. I did not see you on the mod list, in fact mods who I used to dislike here are way more professional than I remember.

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