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129 ft at the blue hole in belize and 129 ft coming out of devil's throat in cozumel.

i think the best dives are between 45-75ft. i like to see all the marine life.
Deepest I've been is 20m (violating my O/W certification by 2m - oops). The deepest I'm willing to go, well I don't know. I don't feel a particular urge to go as deep as I can but I would like to get a technical qualification some day and be able to go to around 100m so that I can see the coelecanths.
Over the Wall, Small Hope Bay, Andros: 185 ft.
About 30 years ago.
Since, about 150 off Little Cayman wall, and 135 to bottom at Keys shipwreck reefs.

The Andros deep wall dive was to a niche in a sheer wall at Tongue of the Ocean. Bottom was nowhere in sight.
It was pretty tightly controlled even then. You could only do it after a series of dives, including one at same spot to about 120, and then it wasn't announced. They tapped you on shoulder and asked, 'Want to go?')
After we came up, somebody asked the divemaster, "How many times have you done this dive?"
DM: "I do it once or twice a week, so it's a lot."
Diver: "So what's the deepest you've ever gone?"
DM: "185 feet."
Diver: "You never went deeper?"
DM: "No. Why would I?"
400' a few times, but not for a year or two. Most dives are above 130', though maybe once a week I go deeper when teaching, to 170' or so. In the last two weeks I haven't been deeper than 100'.
105' diving a wall in the Bahamas.
103 feet, to visit an excellent wreck in Georgian Bay (The Arabia).

But my favourite dives are in the 40-70 foot range. Less than 40 feet, I like snorkelling. More than 70 feet, most dives in Ontario are shorter, darker, and colder than I prefer. But still good.
My deepest was 101 and I really don't care to dive any deeper unless there is a wreck that really begs me to visit. I like the 60-75 foot range, no real valid reason just like it.
Deepest, so far, was 102 fsw, looking for the Sue Jac at the Avalon Dive Park on Catalina.

I'm willing to go to the 130 max rec. limit, but haven't had a dive yet that required that.
Fisheater, I thought 100 was the recreational limit (was a question on my OW exam :p). 130 you need a deep course. Well I mean you can dive to whatever you want, but I have heard insurance companies won't cover you beyond what you are certified to, and also some boat operators won't take you to dive sites that you aren't certified to.

Edit: looked it up and it says 130ft, guess I shouldn't have got that one wrong on my OW exam then!

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