You might be a scuba addict if...

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  • The sound of compressed air hissing gets your attention, no matter where you are.

  • The clanking of metal on metal is music to your ears.

  • You will use ANY cheese excuse to head over the LDS.

  • You will spend countless minutes browsing for accessories and other crap you don't really need.

  • You agree there's no such thing as too much gear.

  • You will iluminate the bedroom with your dive light.

  • You've been busted putting your mask on in the shower.

  • The smell of neoprene turns you on.

  • The gear goes in the climate controlled closet. The clothes go to the attic.

  • You've mastered the art of turning the shower into a rinsing station

  • You know that Guanaja is not in Mexico.

  • Your portable electronics are either water resistant, or in a water proof case.

  • You get anxy for the next episode of "Deep Sea Detectives" and are buying the entire collection.

  • You've read "Shadow Divers" at least 3 times.

  • You agree that "Shark Week" sucks.

  • When you get sick, the first question you ask your doctor is "When will I be able to go back to diving"

  • Any medical procedure that you need done is preceeded by "How's this going to interfere with my diving?"

  • Any body of water makes you ponder "I wonder what the visibility is down there, maybe I would need a light".

  • You spent countless hour in this board :D

Ask my beloved wife, she can corrobarate any of the points :wink:
You been talkin to my wife? im all but 2 of them
i dont keep my gear in a closet. ...
they have there own room :)
and i have no unnatural attraction to my wetsuit
  • The sound of compressed air hissing gets your attention, no matter where you are.

  • Great list. For me I would have to add:

    - When your wife tells you that you look at your new BP the way that you used to look at her.

    - When someone tells you that they want to go vist distant relative so-an-so, you immediately start researching anywhere near your destination that might be deeper than 15 ft.

    - When you rent a storage unit for "other" possesions so you can have more room at home for your dive stuff

    - When your new vehicle purchase is almost entirely dictated by how much scuba gear it can hold
- a trip to the supermarket starts with you putting your mask and fins in the car 'just in case'

- the door chime at your LDS is followed by cries of 'Hi (insert your name)' from the back room of the shop (then they check to make sure its you).

- your clothesline *always* has a bit of gear hanging on it

- you own more wetsuits than shoes

- you spend spend your lunch hour in the 'plan' mode of your dive computer doing hypothetical dives

- your 'mask ring' NEVER goes away

- you blow off Christmas with your family to work so you can have the whole next week off for diving

- you're reading about your LDS's next trip in the newsletter and all you can think is: "ONLY 4 dives a day?!? Isn't there a pre-pre-breakfast dive?"

- there is no room left on the coffee table for coffe cups because of the dive mags

- SPG, SMB, BP/W, HID, LED, SAC, BCD, SSI, AOW, BIBC, BSAC, LDS or any scuba hand signals have featured in any of your verbal conversations today.
Lots of great examples guys. Pretty much checked everyone off.

All I have to add is :
....when you separate your friends into divers and non-divers.... then you realize that you haven't talked to any of your non-diving friends since the last snowstorm!

...when you spend more money on the clothes that you wear UNDER your drysuit than you do on clothes for work.

...when someone mentions a city in the midwest you have never heard of you ask what quarry it is near.

...when your family members refuse to buy you dive related christmas presents because "you wouldn't buy your crack addict child a couple grams of coke for christmas now would you?"

...when your first time in an airplane was underwater. (not me, but I know someone)
When most of your stuff's got a Dive flag logo on it.

When all year round, you have a GOLDEN TAN.

When you take a vacation at the beach with your non-diver friends, sneak out while their sunbathing and secretly go to a dive shop and do at least one dive while they're relaxing. haha.

When I've actually lost the enthusiasm to go malling to shop for new clothes and shoes because my mind is all set to save up to buy a new dive gear or equipment.

When I almost used my Pelican Dry Box as my purse!! (haha)

When I actually decided to sell my music buddy IPOD nano so I could take my AOW course before the year ends!!!
The main requirement for the vehicle I just bought (Pontiac Aztec) was it had to be able to hold all of my gear along with my fiance's wheelchair.
You loudly proclaim when someone calls your car an suv that it's not. It's a DTV! (Diver Transport Vehicle)
You need to get gas and the closest station that you trust is right next to your LDS. The ones by your house have lower grade fuel. Really, dear they do!
You spend at least 6 hrs a week at the LDS "helping out".
You get off work and call your instructor almost daily to see what's going on at the shop, with classes, do you need any help at the pool, did you get any new stuff in, etc. (I do work for my lds.Title of Manager. Get paid in air and experience.)
You are setting up a display of bcs and you just have to try on the 4, yes 4, transpacs,2 transpacs and 2 transpac II's (2 with super wings,1 with sport wings, 1 just the harness, and oh yes, the weight harness) and you find yourself getting excited.
And finally, all of your dreams are wet dreams.
When you can come back here to post more than once about something you thought of later :D

When your wife misses the days you just went out for a beer :D

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