You might be a scuba addict if...

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...when your family members refuse to buy you dive related christmas presents because "you wouldn't buy your crack addict child a couple grams of coke for christmas now would you?"

Holy cow! I heard that THIS week!!!:D LOL
  • The sound of compressed air hissing gets your attention, no matter where you are.

  • The clanking of metal on metal is music to your ears.

  • You will use ANY cheese excuse to head over the LDS.

  • You will spend countless minutes browsing for accessories and other crap you don't really need.

  • You agree there's no such thing as too much gear.

  • You will iluminate the bedroom with your dive light.

  • You've been busted putting your mask on in the shower.

  • The smell of neoprene turns you on.

  • The gear goes in the climate controlled closet. The clothes go to the attic.

  • You've mastered the art of turning the shower into a rinsing station

  • You know that Guanaja is not in Mexico.

  • Your portable electronics are either water resistant, or in a water proof case.

  • You get anxy for the next episode of "Deep Sea Detectives" and are buying the entire collection.

  • You've read "Shadow Divers" at least 3 times.

  • You agree that "Shark Week" sucks.

  • When you get sick, the first question you ask your doctor is "When will I be able to go back to diving"

  • Any medical procedure that you need done is preceeded by "How's this going to interfere with my diving?"

  • Any body of water makes you ponder "I wonder what the visibility is down there, maybe I would need a light".

  • You spent countless hour in this board :D

Ask my beloved wife, she can corrobarate any of the points :wink:

Ha Ha...I do the shower rinse, but you forgot the tub soak:)

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