Yoga = Better Air Consumption

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Fort Lauderdale
Im a big guy. 6 foot and 250 pounds. I could hoover a tank down in no time flat. Wife found an article saying that yoga would help and to come take her class with her. I've been going for about a month and what a difference it has made.

I frequently dive off the Commercial Pier in Fort Lauderdale. I would suck a tank ( AL80 ) in about 45 minutes in about 15-20 feet of water. Since then I've been able to extend my time to approximately 70-75 minutes and it gets better every time I go out there.

The stretches dont really have anything to do with the better air consumption. Its more about the breathing pattern you follow while doing the poses/stretches. If you follow that same breathing pattern underwater its guaranteed to give you better air consumption.

I know some guys will inevitiably say that yoga is a female activity. To those guys I say first of all stop being a punk and second there is almost no better place to meet good looking women.

For those of you who want to improve their air consuption, attend a few yoga lessons and you will not be disappointed.

I absolutely concur with you that it's a great thing to try out for both help in air consumption and for general flexibility and relaxation. The benefits are both physical and mental. I was a bit leery of it at first as it had certain fuzzy new-age connotations that I wasn't entirely comfortable with, but the advantages and results soon overcame any resistance I had!

Certainly not just a gurley-gurl activity - it can be anything from very gentle to very challenging (give a good old round of Bikram a go! Wow!)
I lift weights, run, ride a bike.... but I trid a yoga class, and that kicked my butt. It was very close to swimming-literally- there was a big puddle of sweat around my mat. The stretching was great, and something that I need to pay attention to more. I could see how it would benefit breathing.
To those of you out there that may have some back problems, like my self. A couple of years ago an MRI indicated that I had a disc with a slight tear and about 50% loss of core fluid(what ever that is) resulting in a shortening of the disc. Because of the pain I became less active, causing deterioation of muscle conditioning and ultimately poor posture. I was in pain all the time with some pretty serious nerve involvement.
I was fortunate enough to have done Physical Therapy with a therapist who really knows about "Pelvic Stability" excercises and made me aware of postural issues.
My wife at the same time was starting some yoga. After getting through some of the remedial PT work, it became apparent that the postural awareness and core strength moves taught in yoga parelleled my PT and have since provided an effective continuum.
Success depends on both a good PT person and Yoga instructor.
My first Yoga class was an eye opener for sure.

I've played ice hockey my whole life, mostly as a goalie. I was playing in adult, night leagues right up into my early thirites. I always considered myself very flexible and conditioned.

Then I took up Yoga. Some of the dog and triangle poses made me realize that I'm not as flexible as I could be. Proud Warrior gives me a better burn than lifting weights, and is great for concentration. It's definitely a great way to offset the lack of flexiblity that comes with age.

I'm still rather new at the sport, but plan to continue to enjoy it's benefits.

I would have laughed at this 6 months ago, but now that my air consumption rates and flexibility are showing their age as well, I'm actually looking into this. Yikes
knobber once bubbled...
I would have laughed at this 6 months ago, but now that my air consumption rates and flexibility are showing their age as well, I'm actually looking into this. Yikes

Mick Jagger said it best :wink:

"What a drag it is getting old."
As the guru of Ashtanga yoga Pattabhi Jois has said, "practice and all is coming...". I truly believe that regular, long-term practice of yoga asanas and breathing will enable you to:
1) Have greater control over your breathing,
2) Have greater ability to relax,
3) Foster a stronger mind-body connection and give you a greater ability to concentrate, particularly when under stress.

All of this will likely help your diving and air-consumption rate.
You can't go wrong (as long as you don't push your limits and get a good, qualified teacher). So, to all you budding yogis...get out there and try it!

911_abuser once bubbled...
To those guys I say first of all stop being a punk and second there is almost no better place to meet good looking women.


I took up yoga fourteen years ago - still married to my yoga teacher - and will be for a looong time....:1st:..

Of course - it is much easier to be a bad influence than a good one. She now flies planes and dives but we hardly ever do any yoga.....
Yoga is fantastic! I started practicing ashtanga/power yoga a couple of years ago. It's a great workout (better than weights I think), does wonders for flexibility and yes, definitely improves my air consumption. I almost always come up with more air than my dive buddies, even when they are other women. When I first started diving, a feeling like claustrophobia would hit me when I would first get in the water and I would suck down on my tank. Now I just center myself like I do in yoga and relax. And yes, there are guys out there doing yoga and personally I think men doing yoga is sexy. :wink: Look at Sting...that video he does where he is getting into some serious yoga poses?? yummy! :D

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