Yet another Philippines dive trip

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I'm planning my dive trip to the Philippines, but need some feedback!
Preferences: I like to go off the beaten path, and like all kinds of diving.

This trip however, focus is to on seeing Threshers and Whale sharks in their natural habitat. Also, I plan to take a side mount course. If enough time, maybe wreck diving. This is my itinerary atm:
Arrive Cebu Oct 9, Fly out on Nov 6. Almost 4 weeks available for diving.

Oct 9-17: Malapascua, sidemount course, thresher sharks, chill
Oct 17-22: Travel to Bohol for tourist stuffs, maybe diving in Panglao, Bacalisag
Oct 22-23: Layover in Cebu (or hire a really early boat from Malapascua since flight to Coron leaves 12:25 PM, but maybe I'm crazy to take the chance)
Oct 23-30: Coron, wreck diving, tourist stuff
Oct 30-31: Layover in Cebu
Oct 31- Nov 5: Sogod bay - Since Whale shark season start in November, this is my last stop
Nov 5-6: Layover in Cebu
Nov 6 Fly out

It's going to be a lot of layovers... Should I skip a stop, or maybe switch?
Thinking Malapascua-Bohol-Sogod-Coron but wanna have a chance to see the whale sharks...

Putting Coron at the end would also make it possible to optimize the last bit since flight from Coron lands 4:25PM and my flight out is 8:55PM. Not sure if the flights are reliable though.

I could also skip either Bohol or Coron to get less stops. Would love to get some feedback.

BTW: Next stop on the journey is 3w in Raja Ampat if that would help in deciding what to do in the Philippines. :)
This is similar to trips I have taken in the past. I have also done similar things where I layover in Cebu or Manila between hops, because there are not many or any direct flights between the diving locations.

I am trying something new to me next trip this January.

I am doing mnl-Cebu city ( for work and maybe a bit of diving) - Anda - Panglao - coron - Bali over 36 days.

Instead of leaving layover days in manila between Panglao, Coron, and Bali I am going to try to do flights that connect through Manila the same day. My thinking is that since these flights are relatively cheap ($100) the worst that could happen is I miss a connecting flight and spend an extra unplanned day in Manila. Best case is things go smoothly and I don’t waste layover days in Manila at all.

The only extra days I am leaving is 2 extra days in Manila at the very end of the trip so that I don’t miss my expensive international flight back to the US.

Unfortunately I can’t tell you how it turned out yet so it isn’t much help to you. I am interested in similar thoughts from others.
My suggestion ONLY.
1. Go to Coron FIRST because it is the furthest.
2. Fly back to Cebu and catch the ferry to Bohol.
3. Whaleshark feeding is also available now in Bohol.
4. Back to Cebu and then off to Malapascua.
5. Give yourself plenty of time to catch the flight out.

Sogod Bay is very good but isolated and you do not have the time to cover all the places.

Pay close attention to weather ie. typhoon.

Have a nice trip.
It's so charming how you have worked out the itinerary like those inter-island flights will actually depart anywhere near their scheduled times (or even days).
I always have detail itinerary when I travel. Booked and prepaid the hotel and rarely missed a beat. It is for the experienced and NOT the riff raff.
Thailand to Malaysia for 20 days covering 9 different places and everything was plain sailing. No sweat.
Are you a keen wreck diver? Otherwise there is not much point of going to Coron.
You had mentioned "off the beaten track" but all the places that you had mentioned are on tourist trail except Sogod Bay. Sogod Bay is very very quiet indeed.
I was diving at Sogod Bay in Feb this yr and the gentle giants were there all the time. The dive shop arranged four dedicated whaleshark watching snorkelling trips and every time the snorkellers saw more than two. There was an expert accompanied the group and she was there to record and identify each individual.
There is a "way" to travel from Malapascua to Sogod Bay without returning to Cebu City first. But I had never done it.

Malapascua - Sogod Bay
If you still have time then you can travel from Bato in Leyte to Ubay in Bohol. Please check the ferry schedule. From Ubay you need to take the bus to Tagbilaran and onward to Alona Beach.
All the transfers are based on public NOT private.
Thanks for all the replies! Much appreciated!

Regarding my detailed itinerary, it is precisely why I posted it here, to get feedback on it being realistic or not.

I'm not a wreck diver at all, thats why I wanted to go to Coron - to take my wreck diver speciality and get some good wreck dives. Plus Coron seems like a cool place to visit!

Malapascua is already booked so cannot do much about it being the first spot. I was too quick on my trigger finger... :p

Yeah, I enjoy the more quiet or off the beaten track places, but I guess it is hard to find unexplored gems nowadays... I don't wanna go factory diving, hence don't wanna go to Oslob or Moalboal where there is too many divers. I've already been to Manta Point outside Nusa Penida/Bali too many times and don't really appreciate diving with crowds.

Regarding Sogod Bay, the reason I kind of wanted to put it last in my itinerary is to raise the chance of seeing a Whale shark, since according to the internet the season starts in November. If I go there directly after Malapascua the chance of seeing one is lesser. But maybe I should just go diving and maybe I get lucky... :wink:

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