I was pointed to this thread based on a post in the newbie forum. I wanted to give a brief history of my experience as someone who has asthma and has only dove 2 times. My asthma is controlled very well and I haven't really had any asthma "symptoms" in 10+ years, although I'm still on a daily med (that I take maybe 3x a week, supposed to take 2x a day). I also am active and do intense weight lifting exercises 4x a week.
I went to someone who performs dive physicals based on DAN. He was the only one anywhere close to the DC Metro area. After going to 5 different doctors to get the tests/xrays he required, he still would not pass me even though I clinincally didn't even show signs of asthmatic. He basically said he never clears anyone with asthma, and let me know that before I did all my tests, but he told me to basically put NO on the form because clinically my lungs are like people without asthma.
So I did that on a little resort dive in Cancun, and everything went well.
Fast forward 6 years to last fall, I went to the Keys to do a DSD program with some buddies. Again I put NO on the form and we did 2 1 tank dives, and everything was fine again.
And now I am planning on getting certified.
I went to the orientation for the class I plan on taking and he told me that regardless of answering NO to all questions, when you go to do the checkout dives to get certified, you need to have a medical waiver signed. Prior to hearing that, I had debated answering NO since a DAN recommended doctor who is a SCUBA diver and does dive physicals told me to do that, but after this, I decided that I'm going to answer YES to the asthma question (and allergy one) and get cleared.
Part of the reason I wanted to answer YES as well is because I'd rather the dive instructors and the companies know that yes, he does have asthma, so IF something were to go wrong, maybe that could point them in a direction.
I'm still in the process of trying to get cleared and have my 3rd doctors appointment tomorrow to do some breathing tests, and I'm hoping and pretty confident that after that, I'll get cleared and I will be able to take the class and do the dives.
In another thread, someone mentioned that waivers "expire" after a year however I was unable to find any information out about that, so I'm curious if anyone knows. If I have to go through this process annually, even after I get certified, it's going to be quite a hassle.