Yeeee Haaaaa It's Starting to Arrive!!!!

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Middle Michigan
Sorry, but I must gloat...

My ultimate kit is starting to arrive. My FredT standard SS Backplate and 2 piece STA arrived today.

The Pioneer wing and Halcyon harness should be here on Monday. The Atomic Z1 (Secondary Reg) should be here on Tuedsay and my custom cut Andy's DS2 dry suit should be here in "2 to 3 weeks"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll have about a two week window in the pool to get the whole backplate/wings thing down before getting dirty with the drysuit class.


Only complaint....Fair wife....she just doesnt understand. Can you relate?
Originally posted by Windknot
Only complaint....Fair wife....she just doesnt understand. Can you relate?

" You know how much I love you Baby... I gotta make sure I come back to you... it's... it's.... a safety issue Baby.... gotta do it right.... it's just too dangerous down there not to have the right gear...."

Congratulations on the arrival(s):D
Most of us are worth more dead than alive.....she keeps up the insurance premiums LOL.


That I taught her how to shoot?

She grabbed my .45acp and plinked a couple of shots and frowned, so I gave her a little Ruger MarkI .22. she shot it once and complained that it was to weak and wanted something with a little kick.


The upside is when I get on her nerves, she encourages me to find a buddy and go to Hooters :)
Originally posted by Windknot
That I taught her how to shoot?


The upside is when I get on her nerves, she encourages me to find a buddy and go to Hooters :)

That my friend is just to see if you really lover her...
Tell me you're not dumb enough to go.... please...
That if I dont bring her back a 10 piece all drums (hot) then I obviously dont love her and I'm going there for something other than the view (We have 2 within 15 minutes from our house both are on rivers, with AWESOME boating views)

Get it....THE VIEW!!!!!!!!

No take love.

Surely you understand the principle of "payback..."
A new SS backplate... worth three new pair of shoes.
That reg... a new sideboard.
The drysuit? Whew! A drysuit's a whole new dining room suite!
Good luck.
That grass eating, crap crapping grey monster has maintainance costs too.......

Not to mention that custom saddle that she "Just HAD to have"

There is one redeeming feature about the horse however....I love horse riding pants.....ooohhhhhhhiewww WOW!!

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