Hey everybody,
Sorry about the long silence. That's a long story, which I'll share later.
After a few missed communications, we have a solid plan.
Thanks to Gordy at Laguna Sea Sports, we will be using his shop as our Dive Headquarters this Saturday. It's only a couple of blocks away from where we usually park. In fact, I may park in the same place and just walk over to Laguna Sea Sports.
We can still dive many of the spots that we usually dive, but the construction won't allow us to use the ususal spot for our BBQ.
So, everything is the same except for the location and even that's close.
The pot luck BBQ is still on and Gordy even has a BBQ for us to use. He's having an OW class at the pool that day, so let's be mindful of that and try to stay out of their way.
Please park your cars on the street, so that we don't take up the Laguna Sea Sports parking lot.
Since many of us will be arriving before they open, we'll just meet up and plan out dives in the parking lot. Bring some folding chairs, so we can all sit around and hang out during out SI!
I look forward to seeing you all on Saturday!