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root canal

would you rather eat moldy bread or drink sour milk?

That's easy, bread. I don't even like milk un-soured! :D

Have your mom drive you to the prom or have to take your sister (brother for you ladies) as a date?
mom drive to prom

would you rather face the mob at the mall for Christmas shopping or overpay for an item and order it online?
would you rather face the mob at the mall for Christmas shopping or overpay for an item and order it online?

Would you rather go outside in 40 degree F rainy weather or 25 below and "dry cold"

Would you rather have your roof leak or your basement flood?

would you rather ride in a car with a new driver or a half blind and deaf granny?
would you rather ride in a car with a new driver or a half blind and deaf granny?
New driver. Been there, done that. have 3 kiddos driving age!

Would you rather be eaten by a shark or stung in the heart by a sting ray?
sting ray

would you rather live in a communist dictatorship or fascist dictatorship?
would you rather live in a communist dictatorship or fascist dictatorship?
Come on Beth, give us a choice! A dictatorship is a dictatorship!! :D
All right, I'll pick facetious!

Take an ice-cold shower or go without (a week)?
ice cold shower

rather eat just rice for month solid or eat a nice selection of all you can catch bugs

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