worst pun ever

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The shop assistant asked whether I wanted it measured in Pounds or Kilos, so I just told him that either weigh would do.

If you don't pay your exorcist you'll get repossessed.

Are cardboard belts just a waist of paper?

Local Area Network in Australia: the LAN down under.

A chicken in love is poultry emotion.

I came, I sawed, I yelled "Timber!"
The maharajah of an Indian Province issued a royal decree. He ordered that no one was to kill any wild animals while he was the country's leader. The decree was honored until there were so many Bengal Tigers running loose that the people revolted and threw the maharajah from power. This is the first known instance of the reign being called on account of the game.

why did the tuna keep singing off-key? it's hard to tuna fish

An elephant was drinking out of a river one day, when he spotted a turtle asleep on a log. So, he ambled on over and kicked it clear across the river.

"What did you do that for?" Asked a passing giraffe.

"Because I recognized it as the same turtle that took a nip out of my trunk 53 years ago."

"Wow, what a memory" commented the giraffe.

"Yes," said the elephant, "turtle recall".
why do you ask two dogs? :D
Every time you think this thread will go silently in the night...

When Pope John Paul II died, the new pope became Benedict XVI. When he dies, he will be Ex-Benedict.

Be sure to read Guam With The Wind, the heart-wrenching story of a monsoon which devastated one of the Mariana Islands.

When they captured Saddam Hussein, American soldiers blew a golden opportunity to create history by not voicing this potentially-classical pun: "You're bagged, dad".

Supposedly, Caesar said, "Veni, Vidi, Vici" ("I came, I saw, I conquered".) after a victory in Asia Minor. However, this is in complete error. You see, in Classical Latin, the letter v is actually pronounced like a w; similarly, i is pronounced "ee", and the c is like a k. Therefore, what he really said was:
Wienie ("wimp")
Weedy ("scrawny")
Weaky ("weak")
"I came, I saw, I conked out".

El Paso Gas: a Tex-Mex fart.

I asked a German friend, "Which Hindu god is the second member of the Hindu triad?" He shrugged his shoulders and said, "Vish I knew."

Speakers of ancient Anglo-Saxon had to remember to cross their t's and to dot their i's but also to cross their d's.

When his religious predictions came true, the Shiite cleric/seer gloated, "Ayatollah you so!"

Since Afghanistan's Taliban outlawed the viewing of television, shouldn't they be called the Telly Ban?

King Louis Seas had a wife, Marine Antoinette, who said, "Let them eat hake!"

Osama been laden with many bombs lately.

There is the Buddhist author, Thich Nhat Nanh (Anglo pronunciation: "tick not hawn"). If you wish to look up his books at the library, you need to know this: His last name is not Hanh, it's Nhat Hanh.

Latin-English pun:
I've got some good gnus, some bad gnus, and some great gnus:
First, the good gnus: benignus.
Now the bad gnus: malignus.
The great gnus: magnus.

Lots of good French wine: plasterer of Paris.

What is the most difficult and most sluggish time of the year for Jews?

Noah was dealing drugs during The Flood. When the waters receded, he landed on top of a mountain. But the Drug Enforcement Agency was there too. Aware that he had been betrayed, he stuttered, "A-ra-rat!" And that is the story of Noah's Nark.

Followers of Judaism believe their god is a heavy dude, man. In fact, they often ask, "How much do Yahweh?"

French philosopher Rene Desfartes said, "I stink, therefore I exist."

According to Biblical accounts, Delilah cut Samsonite's hair, whereupon he lost all his luggage.
VAN GOGH'S FAMILY TREE - Van Gogh came from quite a large family, and most of us don't know anything about them. Just in case someone asks you about the others sometime, this may help:

His dizzy aunt------------------------------------------Verti Gogh

The brother who ate prunes--------------------------Gotta Gogh

The brother who worked at a convenience store---------Stop N. Gogh

The grandfather from Yugoslavia-----------------------------U. Gogh

The cousin from Illinois---------------------------------Chica Gogh

His magician uncle---------------------------Wheredidit Gogh

His Mexican cousin------- --------------------Ami Gogh

The Mexican cousin's American half-brother-------------Grin Gogh

The nephew who drove a stage coach--------------Wellsfar Gogh

The ballroom dancing aunt----------------------------------- Tang Gogh

The bird lover uncle--------------------------------Flamin Gogh

His nephew psychoanalyst------------------------------- E. Gogh

The fruit loving cousin----------------------------------Man Gogh

An aunt who taught positive thinking--------------- Wayto Gogh

The little bouncy nephew------------------------------- Poe Gogh

A sister who loved disco------------------------------- Go Gogh

The third-cousin chef ----------------------------------Escar Gogh

And his niece who travels the country in a van (you guessed it!)---Winna Bay Gogh

And there ya Gogh
You forgot

The colorful Uncle.................................................. Indy Gogh

The convict son..................................................... Lemme Gogh

The young builder.................................................. Le Gogh

The Travel Agent Sister.......................................... Hasta Laway Gogh

The distraught Husband......................................... Doan Gogh

The Politician....................................................... Embar Gogh

Their Aussie dog................................................... Din Gogh

The translator daughter......................................... Lin Gogh

The Church going Aunt........................................... Bin Gogh

The geneologist Uncle........................................... Rou Gogh

The historian....................................................... Long a'Gogh

The Lawyer.......................................................... Quid Pro Gogh

The Astrologist..................................................... Vir Gogh

The Advertiser...................................................... Lo Gogh

Cousin in the Keys................................................. Lar Gogh

The Logician......................................................... Er Gogh

The Mechanic....................................................... Peu Gogh

Crazy relative who invented the internet.................. Al Gogh

Gogh figure!
A bus load of talk show guests were driving in the country when all of a sudden the bus ran off the road and crashed in to a tree in an old farmers field.
The old farmer, seeing what happened went over to investigate. he then proceeded to dig a huge hole and bury the talk show guests.
A few days later, the police finally arrived to investigate the crash, and asked the farmer, "were they all dead?"
The old farmer replied, "Well, some of them said they weren't, but you know how those talk show guests lie..."
brilliant, Pete

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