Combat Shock. The Agent orange baby in the oven or the guy using a coat hanger to open up a vain to dump straight cocaine into it.. Wait that was a good movie.. How about Blood Freak. The movie where the guy smokes a joint, eats a weird chicken, and turns into a giant Turkey that lusts for blood. How about Luther the Geek. The guy who runs around with steel teeth and talks like a chicken and bites peoples throats off. How about ebola syndrome where this guy rapes a native african and gets ebola and tries to give it to as many people as possible before he dies. Human Pork Chop, bet you can't guess what's in the soup?
Nevermind, I like these movies too.. I can't believe eraserhead made the list, I love that one! It's right up there with naked lunch. Plan 9 from outer space is great. It makes me laugh so hard, ed wood was genius. I also liked killer clowns from outer space, I own the DVD of that one.
I find most of the regurgitated crud that hollywood throws out on a weekly basis to be more offensive than what was mentioned above. The grudge does kind of tick me off, so does the ring. Anytime they try to remake a good japanese horror flick into some PG-13 tripe, it fails miserably.