With all due respect, what I wrote is indeed applicable to this thread: the OP wanted to know about the realities and nitty-gritty about working as a dive professional in HI. I shared my experiences. I fail to see how that's not relevant.
I'm sorry to hear that you believe my post is 'plain wrong'. But having chatted to former colleagues of my fiance's who are now at other dive shops - and also having very good knowledge of my fiance's shop - I can only stand by my assertion that most are indeed independent contractors. (As I said in my original post, there are exceptions to the rule - I've heard that some shops on the neighbor islands offer salaried positions to staff. There was also a single former boat employee at my fiance's shop who obtained a salaried position, but he's since left). Today, however, none of the boat staff I know are on a salary: they submit invoices to the dive operator as independent contractors. Since they are not shop employees, they are not eligible for the shop's health insurance. (I personally think that's a crap way of treating one's instructors and dive masters, but obviously, the owner of the dive shop couldn't care two hoots for my opinion, and it's not my place to tell him how to run his business anyhow.) I'm glad to hear things are done differently in Maui. In the spirit of offering sound advice to the OP, perhaps the take-away lesson is this: find a shop where you are treated as an employee, and not an independent contractor.