Thanks for following up with your report. I stand firm that the inst needs to be reported to the certifing agency to insure he dosent go elsewhere and do this again.. Id also like to suggest that that regulator be inspected by an outside party if possable. It sounds like it was partialy blocked. Not that that would have caused this.
Im glad this near drowning turned out OK. Id also hope that when your ready, you would give diving another chance, it's a great and for the most part safe sport. Heck, if you want I'll teach you then you can have your Inst and your paramedic all rolled up into one boyuant package.....
Im glad this near drowning turned out OK. Id also hope that when your ready, you would give diving another chance, it's a great and for the most part safe sport. Heck, if you want I'll teach you then you can have your Inst and your paramedic all rolled up into one boyuant package.....