Women's Diving Issues - First Blue Water

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Amen to the leave my gear alone statements, unless he sees something unsafe or out of wack.
I was always a follower my sig other being a DM and knew every nook and cranny of the coast between Palm Beach and Miami. We split and I suddenly found myself as a solo diver and never wanted to count on anyone again so I took a navigation course.
It really made a difference in my confidence. As a single older diver, it is hard to get anyone to dive with you and some of those you get pair with on a trip can be either new and scared or over confident and so called experienced divers. You need "Plan your dive and Dive your Plan" as we all have learned.

Have fun
im a dive buddy follower but diving with a photographer means that im the one that does the spotting for him and he has come to depend on me for that so its a nice balance.

as far as him touching my gear....i dont think its every happened to me

i suggest next time he does it you go over to his setup and start fooling with his stuff and when he protests you let him know thats how it makes you feel

I never had a problem with my husband futzing with my gear, but I DID have a horrible problem with his unwillingness to respect my anxiety underwater and my need to have my buddy stay close to me. So, for a long time, we simply didn't dive together. We went diving with friends, but buddied up with others. That worked quite well, and over time, I've loosened up a little, and he's gotten better, and now we can dive together on vacations (we still don't dive together much at home). Separate but equal worked for us.

(oops, stupid laptop once AGAIN logged me in as my husband -- This is TSandM)
Hmm.. guys, buy a clue. My wife sets up her own stuff and I just follow her about on a dive unless she's told me otherwise. She's an adult and competent and when she does choose to dive (because for some reason she's not preg :wink:) she gets to be in the lead. :)
I agree with everyone...tell your buddy to leave your gear alone, firmly multiple times. If he doesn't listen after about the 5th time, give him the stink eye and get in his face (literally).

Sounds like you're well on your way to solving the buddy problem.

As far as "women's issues", I'd have to agree that surgery is the best option....though not really practical for most people. :wink: The pill is definitely an option you can try, though it isn't necessary. Normal care with the use of tampons (or other internal product) is all you need. Marine life won't notice or care and you are in no danger from sharks (according to research as well as practical experience).
Interesting post.

First, "blue water diving" is probably not what you will be doing. Blue water diving is when you are diving out of sight of walls, reefs, wrecks or even the bottom. There's nothing in any direction but blue water. It's an awesome experience, but not for most folks.

Second, I think you are asking about diving while having your period, but you weren't terribly clear. What exactly are your concerns? Are you worried about blood attracting sharks?

Third, it's good that he does a buddy check. I would thank him for always doing it. I would then tell him we have a difference of opinion as to what constitutes a buddy check. I would then explain exactly what I want from a buddy check (look to see all equipment is in place). I would then ask him if he wants me to change anything about the way I conduct my buddy checks.

Diving is a partnership between two people, allowing them to both have a wonderful time. Work out a system where you lead half the dives.
Diving is a partnership between two people, allowing them to both have a wonderful time. Work out a system where you lead half the dives.

yep ... i don't play games. i don't play dominance games. i don't like being on either end of that game.

this is what i like. please respect it.

if you don't, after some suitable attempts to explain, adios amigos.

i try to treat people as adults, and 99% return the favor

[edit] holy cow!!

finally the universe has recognized the TRUTH!!!

this forum tells me "All chicks love you, Andy."

and i'm like ... yeah, baby... tell me something i don't know...

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