I wouldn't want to drop weights at depth if I could avoid it at all. My home bud dropped his weight belt on our first post-cert dive, 62F water, 7 mile Farmer John suits, popped up like a cork. He didn't tell me until long after that he ached for months - we were brand new and his GF was whining, but it could have been much worse if he'd held his breath. He hadn't thot that DAN dive insurance was needed either. :shocked2:
Diving Vancouver, whether in the thickest neoprene suit I had or a dry suit, I'd expect to be carry a lot of lead entering the water. I'm pretty good at estimating with various wet suits I own, fresh vs salt. My bud gets confused and I lost track long ago of how many times he needed to add after entering. For us two tall, fat boys tho, saltwater below 60F, I'd say 28 for me and 32 for him as I've learned to watch his weight calls. We could try him at 30# as that's all our BC pockets hold, but I think we'd need to strap some more to him - 20# ditchable for either of us, on surface.
Warmer climes, I may only have 14-16# total, 8# ditchable with him a little more. He's lost weight lately but taller, and - other factors. We're all somewhat different.
Others I have dived with: I've seen those who could not stay down on a SS, and I've seen some who sank like anchors with the DM suggesting much less for the next dive - but some don't need much at all, mostly the slender folks, which I have not been since the Marines. Anyway, there is a lot of variance, and some over weighting mistakes.
If I was doing my first ever real rescue on someone I didn't know, gawd - I wouldn't know what to expect from their gear. Kudos to the poor fellow who tried but had to escape as he did his best and was her only hope, but in the emergency situation how many of us would prepare for the possible need to dump her weights, and know what to grab & how?
I'm doing to try to keep that in mind in case I ever come across a similar need, and if I can't find lead to drop - consider their kits. I would think that anyone would float in a 7 mil, saltwater, no kit, but that is drastic. Having seconds to decide is scary.