WMII Photos

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Reaction score
Wicked farther south of familiar
# of dives
500 - 999
Since the WMII conversations are sort of lost in the midst of some stupid poll netdoc started; I decided to start a seperate thread for people to post their favorites from WMII.

Here's my pictures: http://www.scubaphotos.com/spectre/KeyLargo2003/

My Favorites:



And of course :) :
Very nice! Molasses sure hasn't changed!

ID - Your Blue-banded Goby is a Neon Goby.
Nice pics Jeff. They put mine to shame.

But what's that's dangling off you in that picture at the Winch Hole. :wink:

However they also have just validated my recent purchase of a new A70 and the housing I just ordered last night. From WalMart no less - best price and shipping.

PM coming...

I am going to post some of my favorites from Wreckmania II, but I will have to do them individually. I don't have a way to add them in the posts like Spectre did.

Here goes. The first one is from our first night getting to know each other over pizza.
Dinner at the Largo Cafe on Sunday night after our first day of dives.
Walter at Cafe Largo.
Brothers, Walter and Dennis. With the two sisters, Natasha and Marci. This was after dinner at Cafe Largo.
Because of my intense focus on my wreck class I did not take pictures on every dive, but I did get a few really good ones. Not the quality of Jeff's, but they will do for my memories of a great time.

First from the Benwood.
I found this fish very interesting, and best I can tell from my book it is a sand diver. Correct me if I am wrong. Thought he was really cool and very camo with the bottom.

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