You have not provided any info as to what your suit buoyancy is, but I'll assume 22 lbs.
Double 130 will hold about 21 lbs of gas. Add 22 lbs of suit buoyancy and a few more lbs to allow for suit inflation at the shallow stop and you have 21 + 22 + 3 = 46 lbs. I'm not surprised that you found a 40 lbs wing insufficient.
Keep in mind that 46 lbs also represents the total ballast you need. You need 22 to simply offset the buoyancy of your suit, + 21 more to be negative by the weight of your gas + 3 more for extra inflation.
Your tanks are -1 each, empty. Plate and harness about -6, regs about -5, bands and manifold about -5, can light about -2 That totals -20 lbs. You need another 26 lbs of ballast. Lets say you choose to add 8 lbs of lead to your rig, and carry the rest of the 26 -8 = 18 in a belt. Your rig will now be -49 lbs with full tanks. That's another argument against using a 40 lbs wing.
It's easy to see that you need the 55 lbs wing for this rig, with or without the camera and or stages.
Well, the actual numbers that I have are: 200G thinsulate/TLS350
6 pounds plate, 8 pound weightbelt and 21/35 in the doubles and Al80 stage.
Can light I dont think is -2 -- it's a helios 9, and I doubt it's even -1
I am guessing this case is more to do with the 8" tanks reducing the effective lift of the wing, and the wing simply holding me lower in the water than the slightly larger 55.