Will http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25525213 change deco procedures?

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The criticism seems to be that it ought to have come up with a profile which went shallow sooner so as to not on gas as much. If the "exhaustive combinations" included such profiles (a property of the model) then they must (by the chosen measure) have had a higher risk after 174 minutes than the chosen one. So the 'best' profile for that model, given whatever measure of risk used, must be the one they chose.

I understand what you're saying. I gather that it's a kind of model that works like that but it will only be as good as the database of dives/scenarios it has to drawn upon. I don't know anything about that database so all I can do is look at the profile it calculated and say that it's highly unusual, to say the least. As I said above I don't have a horse in this race but as a diver it just seems odd to me that they would compare a highly unconventional (multilevel) ascent from a decompression dive to a highly conservative -- albeit typically curved -- Haldane style ascent and believe that they could draw any useful conclusions about deep stops from that. My point being that there were no deep stops in that profile. There were multi-level stages, but no deep stops in the sense that you'll see them using any other model out there.

To me, once again, it appears as though they have succeeded in scientifically verifying that there are limits to which BVM3 can be forced to provide artificially long ascent times but not much more than that.

I think, but I am no expert, that the risk evaluation is calibrated with the database of dive with a known outcome, but the model represents the physical processes - bubbles etc in this case. The algorithm is the application of the risk evaluation over the set of all valid ascents to find the lowest risk ascent.

I have not noticed much about the risk evaluation in these threads, but maybe I was not paying attention.

Forced vs fiddling... Hmmm, clearly you are not convinced.

Edit... I have just checked the paper and it bundles the whole lot under the term 'model'. In particular the risk evaluation scheme is particular to the model.

"Candidate deep stops dive profiles followed schedules prescribed by the BVM(3) “probabilistic” decompression model,9,10 in which the instantaneous risk of DCS is a function of compartmental bubble volumes and the PDCS is the time integral of instantaneous risk during and following the dive. Probabilistic decompression models are used to estimate the PDCS of a dive profile and, in conjunction with a two-stage search algorithm, produce decompression schedules.9,11 The first stage in this process, of relevance to the present study, is to minimize PDCS by iterative redistribution of a specified TST among different decompression stop depths. The second, optional, stage, is to minimize TST for a target PDCS."
I understand what you're saying. I gather that it's a kind of model that works like that but it will only be as good as the database of dives/scenarios it has to drawn upon. I don't know anything about that database so all I can do is look at the profile it calculated and say that it's highly unusual, to say the least. As I said above I don't have a horse in this race but as a diver it just seems odd to me that they would compare a highly unconventional (multilevel) ascent from a decompression dive to a highly conservative -- albeit typically curved -- Haldane style ascent and believe that they could draw any useful conclusions about deep stops from that. My point being that there were no deep stops in that profile. There were multi-level stages, but no deep stops in the sense that you'll see them using any other model out there.

To me, once again, it appears as though they have succeeded in scientifically verifying that there are limits to which BVM3 can be forced to provide artificially long ascent times but not much more than that.

I can tell you've either 1) not seriously looked at the information recommended to you here, or 2) not understood the information. You're reverting to the "that's an odd profile" schtick that was answered thoroughly in the deep stops thread.
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You don't think it's an odd profile? You're trying to ridicule the observation that it's an odd profile by calling it "schtick" but frankly, ..... it's an odd profile. It may have been reached by some kind of logic internal to the model, but it cuts against the grain of every other deco model out there as well as everything we think we know about ascending from decompression dives. Moreover, the study proves that this particular profile is less effective than the one the Haldane model produced so we have scientific proof that the oddness we're seeing was not a good thing. This, we can use to deduce that the model isn't very effective (I won't say broken but I doubt many divers would get in line to use it)..... So the study proves scientifically what one would suspect at first glance by looking at the profile.

I guess you might also be able to argue that the study proves that failing to curve the ascent along the lines of the best paradigm we have to date is probably not a good idea. The rates of DCS measured in the study would support that conclusion as well. So maybe the study is also a vindication of the paradigm that you would label "schtick".


P.S. your link points to post 151 of this thread. I'm pretty sure that's not where you wanted to send me.
You don't think it's an odd profile? You're trying to ridicule the observation that it's an odd profile by calling it "schtick" but frankly, ..... it's an odd profile. It may have been reached by some kind of logic internal to the model, but it cuts against the grain of every other deco model out there as well as everything we think we know about ascending from decompression dives. Moreover, the study proves that this particular profile is less effective than the one the Haldane model produced so we have scientific proof that the oddness we're seeing was not a good thing. This, we can use to deduce that the model isn't very effective (I won't say broken but I doubt many divers would get in line to use it)..... So the study proves scientifically what one would suspect at first glance by looking at the profile.

I guess you might also be able to argue that the study proves that failing to curve the ascent along the lines of the best paradigm we have to date is probably not a good idea. The rates of DCS measured in the study would support that conclusion as well. So maybe the study is also a vindication of the paradigm that you would label "schtick".


P.S. your link points to post 151 of this thread. I'm pretty sure that's not where you wanted to send me.

I call it schtick because we've seen that play before. Interact with the analysis. Saying "it does't look like what I'm familiar with" is nothing new. And its not really an argument.

The deep stops thread showed that "that odd profile" would likely have performed very similarly to a high conservatism VPM profile. Tom says, "Well, of course. Too much deco." I doubt that argument will get legs.

Your argument that "it's an odd profile and had the Navy just asked me I could have told them the outcome without all the cost" is unlikely to go anywhere either. Perhaps one or two people might think "I guess it makes sense that a country's armed forces would entrust their men to know-nothing yahoo PhDs when they should have just visited an internet forum and saved some money". But probably not too many more than that.

PS I fixed the link (hopefully)
I call it schtick because we've seen that play before. Interact with the analysis. Saying "it does't look like what I'm familiar with" is nothing new. And its not really an argument.

I'm making an observation, not an argument. You're perfectly right to say that the current paradigm may be in need of shifting and we shouldn't get too hung up on it but on the other hand this research uses a novel paradigm and attempts to draw conclusions about the old one from a faulty premise. Seems to me that there is nothing wrong with questioning that.

You also said before that VPM+7 gives about the same profile as the BVM3 model. I get that. +5 also gives a run time about the same as Thalman but with a curved ascent. .... I'm not sure what this says but it doesn't say much to me other that when pushed to extreme levels of conservatism (+7) VPM gets as pear shaped as BVM3 But at +5 VPM still curves the ascent. Maybe both models are broken at extreme levels of conservatism. I really have no desire to prove or disprove any of that... I'm just pointing out what I see.

Call that "schtick" if it makes you feel good but I'm not going to let you draw me into the same trap you set for Ross.

...but on the other hand this research uses a novel paradigm and attempts to draw conclusions about the old one from a faulty premise. Seems to me that there is nothing wrong with questioning that.

1.. What is the novel paradigm?
2. What is the faulty premise?
Hi Tom (with a couple of points for Diver0001),

Simon, the evidence has been on your desk for a while now. Even the NEDU study showed obvious advantages of the deep stop theory in that it proved there is a huge protection from supersaturation at the beginning of the ascent.

This does not constitute evidence that deep stops are effective in reducing bubble formation or preventing DCS. I agree, it is obvious that imposing deep stops will protect fast tissues from supersaturation. I have certainly never disputed that. Indeed, I have pointed out many times that the deep stops in the NEDU deep stop profile did (as you say) protect the fast tissues from supersaturation. You seem to be assuming that this, of itself, makes it obvious that outcomes must be better if deep stops are performed. But the whole point of the NEDU study is that despite this protection of fast tissues early in the ascent, the deep stop ascent was still associated with worse outcomes. This implies that protecting fast tissues early in an ascent may not be beneficial, and that the harm arising from increased supersaturation of slower tissues later in the ascent as a consequence of performing the deep stops outweighs any benefit of performing the deep stops.

You say this is because the deep stops were too long in the NEDU study. OK, lets shorten them, but keep the total length of decompression the same and compare tissue supersaturations with a "shallow stops" decompression. If the decompressions are the same length and the deep stops profile distributes more of that decompression time deeper then it is a physical inevitability that the deep stops profile will result in more slow tissue supersaturation later in the ascent. Maybe with shorter deep stops the differences in outcome between the two dives might be less obvious and more difficult to detect in a study of practical size, but why would you expect the deep stops profile to now be safer?

You seem to be putting a lot of faith in the notion that the short deep stops will control bubble formation early without causing excessive disadvantage in terms of slow tissue supersaturation later, but one of the reasons I am comfortable interpreting the NEDU study the way I do is that other studies that have tested dives with short "tech dive style" deep stops do not support your assumption. Indeed the opposite seems to be true. Ironically, bubble models do not appear to control bubble formation very well. That is why Ross spent a lot of time on the RBW thread and elsewhere trying to down play the relevance of venous gas emboli counts in decompression research.

You really can't see where there may be a middle ground? I find that imrobable. The shallow stop model suffered some DCS too. Do you suggest it is improper to assume that if the enormous amount of supersaturation at the beginning of ascent had something to do with that? If you could eliminate that initial supersaturation by adding deport stops for a very short time, and the occurance of DCS plummeted, would that be evidence enough for you that deep stops have a purpose if done correctly?

As I implied in my earlier post to you, I can totally see that there is a "middle ground" or "sweet spot" or some other way of putting it. I just don't think it involves stops as deep as bubble models typically impose them.

Can I make a related point about the assumed benefits of protecting the fast tissues early which may not be obvious to you, or to Diver0001 (thank you for your interest and very reasonable posts by the way)? It is a great idea in theory (which is why we all jumped aboard the bubble model bandwagon in the early 2000s). However, it may be that is largely unnecessary, or at least ineffective from the point of view of preventing bubble formation and / or DCS. Even when fast tissues get supersaturated, they don't stay supersaturated for long (because they are fast). The window of opportunity for bubble formation is therefore short and these tissues may be quite resistant to bubble formation (certainly relatively so). In the evolving pathophysiological paradigm for DCS in which circulating venous gas emboli are increasingly viewed as key players (especially when they get into the arterial circulation) it is the slower tissues where these emboli almost certainly arise that are probably the most important. It may therefore be that the "curve" created by deep stops that you and Diver0001 like to see and consider to be a fundamental part of appropriate decompression may not be as necessary or even desirable as might seem intuitive. Indeed, it may even be a disadvantage because while the fast tissues are being protected in the early part of the curve, the slow tissues are still loading. This hypothesis is consistent with the emerging data in which deep stop and shallow stop approaches have been compared (including the NEDU study).

Finally, if you are asking me whether there is benefit in a middle ground in which some short deep stops are conducted early, and compensated later in the ascent by increased shallow stops to offset increased gas uptake by slow tissues I would have to say that I don't have a definitive answer to that. I doubt it (for the reasons articulated in the paragraph beginning "You say..above), but it has never been tested. But let's not lose perspective on the debate, which has been about deep stops as imposed by bubble models, and the promise of bubble models (at least initially) was that they could produce more efficient (and therefore shorter) decompression because of the deep stops, and that you could even shorten your shallow stops as a result. I really do think that notion is discredited.

Simon M
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@Diver0001, you raise some relevant questions. However, I think the experts have already explained why they used the 174 minutes profile for their test. I understand that you may not agree with their chosen methodology, but if I may ask, what do you propose? What methodology do you think they should have adopted to address the purpose of their study?
Well everyone… Merry Christmas! We're celebrating Christmas late since my daughter couldn't be here due to work (working as a NICU nurse).

Just as a reminder. We believe the NEDU study tells us something. The following post, after a LONG interchange on this topic almost 2 years ago, pretty much sums it up for me ...

Screen Shot 2015-12-25 at 9.21.12 PM.jpg

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