Actually French of France is more batardized than French of Canada. The only annoying point is the word "check" they use as many as the little bue creatures say "schtroumpf" or "smurf".

But anyone who likes
la Pléiade would be happy to discuss with Canadians.
There are dozen version of French, even in France, French differs from the regions. But everybody French-speaking guy is able to communicate easily with any other guy.
So, did a GUE, NauiTec, UTD and ISE divers can dive together and did their team procedures compatible ?
I could ask why so many of the French Canadian cyclists I know have complained about how they were treated when in France, due to their "way of speaking French"...individual differences were causing large behavior problems,,,, Not surprisingly, you are unaware of how snotty the French can be to any who are not French, or not from Paris.
French issues aside, it is hard to understand why you can't see the problems that each of the examples just mentioned ( GUE/NauiTec/UTD/ISE/etc) would create in suddenly placing individuals from each in the water together. The language analogy was not meant to literally explain the was supposed to conceptualize the issue, of course you would have none of that
When DIR was in it's heyday, back in the late 90's, it was mandated for team members, and there was 100% team /collective function and optimal understanding between all team members....all gear of each was familiar to the others, as if it was their own. Today, this is how GUE divers are to each other.
MORE to your "can" put a GUE diver with a NauiTec and a ISE diver together on a recreational charter boat for an 80 foot dive over pretty coral reefs, for a recreational duration. Only a minimum of communication on the surface of planned bottom time and goal for the dive would need to occur. For the majority of dives that take place in the world every day, this is quite feasible---not to say ideal, but in the real world, this is going to happen. However, when you start going to deco dives or very challenging dives, the need for optimizing mindset , communication, and gear equivalency for all divers in a team becomes overwhelmingly significant.
And this is WHY you can't have 5 flavors of DIR....there can only be ONE. And this makes
GUE "the new DIR".....but it will have to be called
GUE so andrew and you and WIKI can't disrupt what this form of diving actually means !