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MM, I like your tag line, STUPIDY KILLS, but I have an add on to it....BUT NOT OFTEN ENOUGH OR BEFORE REPRODUCTION
Well, because I'm a native Coloradoan! It seems we're a rare breed these days, not that I mind. It's interesting that a state pretty much right smack dab in the middle of the country is such a cultural melting-pot. Boulder can be like another world.
Well, because I'm a native Coloradoan! It seems we're a rare breed these days, not that I mind. It's interesting that a state pretty much right smack dab in the middle of the country is such a cultural melting-pot. Boulder can be like another world.
"Native" as in your ancestors were in Colorado before Europeans came?:confused:
because I posed for this picture to use as my Avatar on purpose
needed a change.

Like to remember this moonlit boat ride .
"Native" as in your ancestors were in Colorado before Europeans came?:confused:

Mirriam Webster:

Main Entry: 1na·tive
Pronunciation: 'nA-tiv
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English natif, from Middle French, from Latin nativus, from natus, past participle of nasci to be born -- more at NATION
1 : INBORN, INNATE <native talents>
2 : belonging to a particular place by birth <native to Wisconsin>
A bunch of us from scubaboard went down to jennys neck of the woods for a dive and the weather got nasty the life guards had a red flag if i am not mistaken and i was the only one who got in past the surf after the third try lol was in for mmmmaayyybe ten mins and thought it was a good dive lol

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