Why we hated the Park Royal....and left for the Grand

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Yes, we liked Dive Palancar....and you can't beat their package of 10 dives for 290.00 and every dive thereafter is 29.00....my wife was diving a little less than I was so we were able to combine all our dives to get the best overall deal.

Not sure what you mean about not mentioning Dive Paradise though:idk:
There may have been some confusion due to abbreviation - DP could mean Dive Palancar or Dive Paradise.

The $29/dive, is that per tank or per 2 tank trip? If it's per tank, there are several ops on Cozumel that offer diving at about that price. If it's for a 2 tank trip, then yes, that's a screaming deal.
Mattboy------thanks for speaking up about Blue Bubble......(I was going to but still reeling from the "beggar" comments.........hahha) your "assessment" was appreciated as I think that BB is a fine dive op and certainly a great alternative for PR folks to NOT have to dive with Aquaworld, the onsite op..........I have never ever heard of any issues with BB, I know the owners and they are extremely professional and safe.........perhaps their boats had a few paint chips missing?..........oooo, that would worry me for sure........come on!.........I lived in CZM for 20 years and would dive with them in a heart beat.......my two cents and yeah, to each his own......Betsy
Hi Gordon........that's for the one tank.
Having spent many weeks in Cozumel around town and an entire summer in the West End, I can say with authority that the hustle is much worse in the West End, if you include taxis. Granted it can get fierce right in the center of San Miguel, though.

I've also dove with blue bubble many times, and will continue to do so. Their boats are fine; your wife wondering if they would get back says a lot more about her experience than it does about their boats. I couldn't imagine enjoying the bigger cattleboats, but to each his own.

Anthony's Key is the one of the largest, most 'corporate' resorts in the caribbean; it is a very well run outfit, but exactly the kind of place I'd want to avoid on my vacation to a different country.[/QUOTE]

Actually, I believe it to be family run by the Galindos...and as I can tell on the wide ranging opinions of what constitutes beggars, nice boats and good dive sites on SB, I guess you and I are pretty far apart on our definition of "corporate"!!!!!!! AKR is very small, uncrowded and private in my book. I could probably name a thousand other much bigger and more corporate resorts in the caribbean with just a little research but that is neither here nor there. It also seems like a lot of people here in the Coz forum are fine with small crowded wooden boats that are pretty beat up...more power to you, but if that is not what some people are looking for they need to not have that info candycoated so they can make an informed decision. And I'm not saying people need to go with Aquaworld and get on a packed monster boat either....Dive Palancar was right in the middle for me so my wife felt comfortable as she becomes more experienced and improves on her comfort level. Not everyones wives are dive pros like you and certain needs should be addressed in order to keep them in a state of enjoyment and comfort so as to not "turn them off" to diving

Get my drift??:D

YMMV of course:)
If you can't mess things up enough with a shotgun blast, just keep shooting...! :silly:
...and as I can tell on the wide ranging opinions of what constitutes beggars...
OK, I'll bite. What is your definition of a beggar? Mine is someone who approaches me with the idea that I should give them money just because they ask for it. In over 30 years of going to Cozumel, I have encountered that about three times. Here in Austin, it happened to me at least three times yesterday. By my definition, there is far less begging in the streets in San Miguel on Cozumel than there is in a typical city in the US.

Be that as it may, we cannot blame the hustlers and hawkers on Cozumel for their behavior; we made them what they are. There are wide ranging opinions on that, too; once I asked a friend of my mom's how he liked Cozumel. His reply was essentially that Mexico would be a lovely place if it weren't for all them Messkins what lives there. Dang ol' dang ol' furriners! :D
OK, I'll bite. What is your definition of a beggar? Mine is someone who approaches me with the idea that I should give them money just because they ask for it. In over 30 years of going to Cozumel, I have encountered that about three times. Here in Austin, it happened to me at least three times yesterday. By my definition, there is far less begging in the streets in San Miguel on Cozumel than there is in a typical city in the US.

Be that as it may, we cannot blame the hustlers and hawkers on Cozumel for their behavior; we made them what they are. There are wide ranging opinions on that, too; once I asked a friend of my mom's how he liked Cozumel. His reply was essentially that Mexico would be a lovely place if it weren't for all them Messkins what lives there. Dang ol' dang ol' furriners! :D

Since it seems I have raised some hackles with my description of our trip, I will give you the "Diversmith Sliding Scale of Bottomdwellers":D:wink:

"Bum"...those that live on the streets pretty much bothering nobody and rummaging thru trash making a living off of recyclables and getting most of there food at shelters and churches.
"Panhandlers"...Those that sit at busy areas with their hand out trying to get "donations".
"Beggars"...those that accost other people voraciously either to get food, money or coerce you into buying their products, and continuing to be aggresive about it after you firmly decline.
"Huslter"...Those that try to knowingly sell you bogus goods or overpriced goods and services.

I hope this helps clear things up. We were very upset that the PR would allow vendors onsite that would aggressively go after guests continuing to bother them after they decline interest in their obviously fake Cuban cigars and crappy jewelry. We were not happy constantly being hit up while downtown for more fake Cubans, when walking by restaurants, souvineer stores and bars. It is not relaxing, not funny and not enjoyable in the least bit. Once down at the Grand, the vendors there were very respectful and never bothered us one bit after just one "no thanks".

My wife and I obviously think pretty much alike (wonder why we got married:wink:) and I am sure there are many people on this board that also are looking for something similar when spending a chunk of change for a "nice" vacation. Notice I didn't say "extravagant" vacation! We weren't looking for a pampered Four Seasons vacation with the associated price tag, but a middle-of-the-road experience. For the money we spent at PR, we were very, very bummed out. Had we been able to book at the Grand as originally planned for just 700.00 more than PR was charging, we would have been as happy as pigs in **** for the entire vacation. We just wanted to put our review of our resorts and diving up here so those that have similar expectations can make an informed decision and have the best vacation possible with little or no let-downs. As far as the boats and dive ops, I am also pretty sure there are quite a few guys with wives or girlfriends that are just getting into diving and are not as comfortable in the water as most of us. I grew up by the beach surfing, scuba diving and waterskiing my brains out. I learned to dive doing surf entries in the cold winter waters of southern california when I was 14 years old. My wife grew up in upstate NY and is a good swimmer, but not doing any water sports and needed to get slowly broken into the ocean and diving thing. The last thing she needs is to get thrown on a crappy crowded boat and be expected to have fun. I bought her very nice comfortable gear and worked with her slowly in the pool letting her have fun and not allowing her to get cold, tired or frustrated. She is a great swimmer and is a smart gal, so the skills came easy....getting her comfortable and confident in the ocean was another. I NEVER pushed her past her limits and now we have had 2 very enjoyable dive trips together and she is now building up her dive log with great memories of us U/W together and me as her instructor. Pretty neat huh?????

As I stated in my original post, I was not trying to slam anyone or their preferences. If you would rather go diving on a shoestring to be able to make more trips each year, all the power to ya! If small wooden boats and back rolls are what you prefer, good deal! I went out on some pretty crappy wooden boats in Sharm el Sheik back in '89 and loved every minute of it diving the Straits of Tiran. It was incredible! But, I was single and wasn't trying to "break in" a new diver at the same time.

And as for DandyDon saying I was overeacting to the peacocks....let's see you try to sleep in with those little bastards hanging around:mooner: Being a fireman on 24 hour shifts and getting very little or no sleep at all while at work, I value my sleep and getting away on vacation means catching up on rest and sleeping thru the night:D I am sure there are also plenty of people here on SB that have stressful jobs, younger kids or do shift work that value a peaceful stay at a quiet resort.
Anthony's Key is the one of the largest, most 'corporate' resorts in the caribbean; it is a very well run outfit, but exactly the kind of place I'd want to avoid on my vacation to a different country.[/QUOTE]

Actually, I believe it to be family run by the Galindos... AKR is very small, uncrowded and private in my book.

Trying to characterize Anthony's Key as a mom and pop place, "very small" etc...really brings into question your perception. Whatever you think it might be, it's a fact that it's one of the largest dive resorts in the caribbean, maybe the biggest. Something like 10 boats, I think they're all over 40 ft, an onsite chamber, dolphin pen, etc...this is a big resort. Not a criticism of the place, just a rebuke of your characterization.

But, this is the Cozumel forum, so getting back on track, I'm glad you found a place you were comfortable with.
Trying to characterize Anthony's Key as a mom and pop place, "very small" etc...really brings into question your perception. Whatever you think it might be, it's a fact that it's one of the largest dive resorts in the caribbean, maybe the biggest. Something like 10 boats, I think they're all over 40 ft, an onsite chamber, dolphin pen, etc...this is a big resort. Not a criticism of the place, just a rebuke of your characterization.

But, this is the Cozumel forum, so getting back on track, I'm glad you found a place you were comfortable with.

To respectfully rebuke your rebuke, I never said it was a mom and pop bed and breakfast...you said it was "corporate" when in reality it is family ownded last I heard. We never once felt crowded in at AKR and never saw the crowds that would go along with being "one of the largest resorts in the Caribbean". That's a pretty big statement...no pun intended:wink: AKR is very quiet and mellow and there was always plenty of room at the pool, and the eating area that serves all of the guest is pretty small so there can't be that many people there. Just because a resort spends some money to get a nice fleet of boats (As I recall, there were only 5 or 6 boats being used by the guests at one time...it must be nice to have spares in case something breaks down) doesn't mean they are "corporate" or "one of the largest in the Caribbean" (that really is a pretty sweeping statement)

So back to Coz....YOU WILL LOVE THE DIVING!!!!!!:D

As they say, "Perception is reality"....so I hope our review of our trip is helpful to those that share the same perception and expect the same types of things for that price range :D:D:D:D:D:D:D That was my only intent...not to get bashed or implied that we are crazy snobs who make up stories:shocked2:

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