Why should I support my LDS?

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I've been stiffed twice by defective equipment ... both times it was "American" companies buying cheap crap in China and putting their brand name on it. Both times it was sold to me by a reputable dive shop ... neither of which was Leisurepro.

I'm a bit baffled by your logic. Given the details of the story it sounds like we're talking about BCDs that came from the same production line ... only one was branded ScubaPro and the other was not. How does that make the latter one "defective" ... seems like the only difference would be the name on the product.

Sounds to me like you're just bashing a competitor.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)


The one I saw was branded Scubapro and looked like the real thing except it was missing the right shoulder pull dump. I don't know whether the factory decided to sell some rejects on its own or decided to continue production with some left over material. Other than the brand name encroachment, it probably was not a bad BCD.
I've been stiffed twice by defective equipment ... both times it was "American" companies buying cheap crap in China and putting their brand name on it. Both times it was sold to me by a reputable dive shop ... neither of which was Leisurepro.

I'm a bit baffled by your logic. Given the details of the story it sounds like we're talking about BCDs that came from the same production line ... only one was branded ScubaPro and the other was not. How does that make the latter one "defective" ... seems like the only difference would be the name on the product.

Sounds to me like you're just bashing a competitor.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

Hardly, being based in Mallorca I wouldn't call LP competition as a matter of fact with the prices over here I wish the were here too:D:) As I recall LP was selling knock off SP BC's as SP not a different brand, I never heard that they were coming from the same production line so that was the point I was making.
The LDS that I use does not care where I buy my stuff. He'll service it just as if I bought it from him and he does it for a reasonable price. He takes care of my old, vintage stuff as well as anything new I've bought, either from him or online. He serviced my old Conshelf XIs with all new Titan parts for $45 each. He hydros, inspects and fills tanks for $35 (annual inspection, w/air fill, is $13) and, except for a few bucks to help pay for gas, charges nothing for dive trips out on the Ohio River on his boat. He's quick and ready to answer questions and give advice with a cheerful smile. His shop is small and the inventory he sells in his shop is limited (he makes most of his money on service and instruction) but what he has is competitively priced with most of the online dealers. If he doesn't have what you want, or can't match a lower price online, he's the first to suggest going to an online dealer. He knows you'll be coming to him for service.

He charges $8 for air fills (to help cover the cost of filters and such) and regulator service is $25 plus parts. He's been in business for over thirty years and I figure he'll be around for quite awhile longer.

Oh, and he knows what a J valve is and how to fill a tank equipped with one.
Who is your LDS :D
I'm getting into this discussion late and didn't get a chance to read all the replies, but here's my 2 psi worth.

If your LDS is friendly, cuts you a deal once in a while because you buy stuff, is active in the dive community - club dives, M&G's, etc., has good clean air fills, and overall works hard to deserve your business then support them.

If your LDS is a bunch of jerks when you walk in, don't want you to hang out unless you want to buy something at full price, don't contribute anything extra to the local dive scene, aren't willing to carry the stuff more advanced divers want, then forget them.

There is a trend happening right now with this economy where unhealthy businesses with outdated business models are being rinsed out. Many are on a downward spiral and refuse to come to grips with the reality that the internet is here to stay. People work hard for their money, and with less of it to go around why should they support some LDS that wants to gouge them full price on equipment and be rude while their at it.
And then if you feel you were over sold something you didn't need and want to take it back they will issue credit only and will not give full refunds.
Why should people put up with that crap?

LDS's are going to really have to get creative and work extra hard to stay alive these days.
They're going to have to mark stuff down to be competitive and be extra friendly and helpfull or they'll be kaput.

The one I saw was branded Scubapro and looked like the real thing except it was missing the right shoulder pull dump. I don't know whether the factory decided to sell some rejects on its own or decided to continue production with some left over material. Other than the brand name encroachment, it probably was not a bad BCD.

Ah ... I missed the brand-name encroachment part. Yes I agree ... that is wrong.

However, unless the BCD was showing up as somehow defective, it's also wrong to post on ScubaBoard that it was defective equipment. The issue seems to be one of marketing a product as something it is not, rather than marketing a product that fails to do what it purports to do.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Ah ... I missed the brand-name encroachment part. Yes I agree ... that is wrong.

However, unless the BCD was showing up as somehow defective, it's also wrong to post on ScubaBoard that it was defective equipment. The issue seems to be one of marketing a product as something it is not, rather than marketing a product that fails to do what it purports to do.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

Shall we say counterfeit then? Although if it's from the same factory it wouldn't be but I am guessing it was more than one or two of them so we can defintiely say illegal:confused: and dishonest
Ah ... I missed the brand-name encroachment part. Yes I agree ... that is wrong.

However, unless the BCD was showing up as somehow defective, it's also wrong to post on ScubaBoard that it was defective equipment. The issue seems to be one of marketing a product as something it is not, rather than marketing a product that fails to do what it purports to do.

Having had several students open my right shoulder dump by accidentally holding the string during an air-sharing ascent drill, I'd consider a missing right shoulder dump a feature not a defect.

How did you make out in sex education class in HS?

I tried to do as good as I could. Even applied the advanced education model with it.

I got in a couple of dives with my buddyette in the entry level class. Being one that was wanting to learn more and gain experience. Told her that I wanted to swap buddies for a night dive. You know, running out of air and getting kicked in the stomach have a lot of similarities.

Being a fairly smart fellow, decided to learn from my mistakes. Figured, rescue would be a good direction to head. Wouldn't you know it, when I started trying to practice mouth to mouth and chest compressions with my partner. Unfortunatley, my regular buddyette found out. She started the kick again, never date a karate student, but I learned my lesson and she was off target. Unfortunately I tried to jump above her kick but she connected about 10 inches below my stomach. I learned what it would feel like if you did an uncontrolled descent into a sea urchin bed.

Ok, I'm not stupid. I learned my lesson. No more classes without my one and only buddyette. Thought I'd give this one more try. I did a deep and extended stay course. Finally, I hit on the right combo.

The other night, I suggested that maybe she might be interested in a tri-mix course. She must have gotten narced, got kinda wide eyed, started mumbling something about Lorainna Bobbit, my snorkle getting lost. Guess I will just stay where I'm at. No more classes for me.
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I wonder why people must post threads to justify where they spend their money?

LDS or online? It's your money to spend however you wish. I could care less about how you spend your money. I know how I want to spend my money and that's all I'm concerned with.

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