Your thoughts and suffering are very appropriate for me. This past weekend I was on a dive trip to Palm Beach. Had lots of trouble with weighting issues. I had always worn a wet suit, but being from the NC Mountains found the water hot! (all my group members were freezing. What whimps, it was 79 degrees.) The difference with no wet suit was in the weighting.
Anyway, on third dive, had weighting right, till opened my BC pocket to extract camera, dove down to take picture, and accidently dumped six pounds of weight. Didn't pop up from 91", but didn't come up slow enough either
End result, bloody nose and serious congestion. Have been taking Afrin since then, but pharmacist said to stop as had been on it too many day.
Am here for the Month of July at Duke University and plan to call DAN, which is here on campus. If they can give help with your problem, give them a call and suggestions. If you're not a member, become one. Before I began certification, they gave me a 45 minute consultation over the phone, with more information than two years of Doctor visits!
Hope this helps.