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There was no outcome, no deal.

GUE's answer was telling me to get lost, and Dan's answer was for me to drive up to Ontario some time he's not busy for a checkout dive. Those were both unacceptable, so that's that.
Therein lies the most legitimate reason I can think of not to take a DIR-F class ... because too often you'll get a provisional rating and never see the instructor again.

Happens too often, to my concern ... but I see that as more a failing of the organization than the content of what's taught ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Those would be the ones...Not to paint all DIR with the same brush I have met UP, Snowbear,OE2X and they are really a credit to the sport. My reason for posting that was to address sparticlebrane's comment that all the buttwipes were on the internet. I have met a few in person.
So have I Dave ... but that's more a statement of the person than the organization that trained them.

One of the things I've always found ironic is that so often the people who use the few bad apples as examples of all that's wrong with DIR will act exactly like the people they're complaining about.

Go figure ... :confused:

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Therein lies the most legitimate reason I can think of not to take a DIR-F class ... because too often you'll get a provisional rating and never see the instructor again.
I hate to dredge up this argument again, but I didn't get a "provisional"...

BTW, good post on #270 there.
I hate to dredge up this argument again, but I didn't get a "provisional"...
Thats right...you flunked :wink:
I will be taking the DIR/F class here soon. I am doing it to improve my diving by exposing myself to different ideas/styles. The instructor has some of the best body awareness of anybody I have seen in-water. I will happily pop a couple of D-rings off my BP rigging, pony up the 400 clams and pay close attention. Many people gamble (foolishly) far more money in Vegas for emptier promise. I don't believe I will emerge a purple Koolaid drinking moonie with a new pre-selected wife on my arm, I am not cut from that kind of cloth. I do believe that I have a better than 50/50 chance of emerging a better diver in some way or another.
Besides Florida I think the SF Bay Area has the most GUE Instructors around.... Not to mention on "former" training director (who happened to train the majority of the instructors)
I will be taking the DIR/F class here soon. I am doing it to improve my diving by exposing myself to different ideas/styles. The instructor has some of the best body awareness of anybody I have seen in-water. I will happily pop a couple of D-rings off my BP rigging, pony up the 400 clams and pay close attention. Many people gamble (foolishly) far more money in Vegas for emptier promise. I don't believe I will emerge a purple Koolaid drinking moonie with a new pre-selected wife on my arm, I am not cut from that kind of cloth. I do believe that I have a better than 50/50 chance of emerging a better diver in some way or another.

Good for you. I think you have way better than a 50/50 chance of emerging a better diver. Are you taking the class in CO in September? If so, I hope you will return with a report on your experience.
Have fun.
I was interested in hearing from people who want to take the class about why they haven't done so, and I have gotten a fair number of those answers. And this, to my knowledge, is a question which has NOT been asked and answered before.

I was considering it last year but couldn't afford it at the time. If the opportunity comes up this winter or spring I might take it.
How many people do you encounter doing helicopter turns while causally diving?

I teach them in my OW class. They are extremely easy to master.

If you can do 300 yards, you can do it in 14 minutes. I'm the slowest swimmer on earth and I made it.

When did you learn to swim? I remember you bragging you couldn't swim and telling everyone there's no reason to know how to swim to dive.
Why not Essentials ? A better choice for most recreational divers.

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