Why not Fundies?

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So fundies is like calculus, then?

no, i think we agreed that it was more like trigonometry
no, i think we agreed that it was more like trigonometry

Bah...I went to a frat party and by the end of it I forgot the difference between calculus and trigonometry. :mooner:
I understand what you're saying, but why even take the course if you KNOW you can't possibly pass it? It's a waste of time.

What everyone is trying to say is that the knowledge and skills are the value. No one is going to ask for a DIR-F card anyway. If you take technical courses with any tech agency, you are not guaranteed to pass the course.
I believe the grace period is actually six months, although there is some flexibility in that.

Again, the only need to PASS the class is to take further, technical instruction from GUE.

As it was explained to me IN the class, there are three outcomes of taking it. One is that you fail. In general, that means that, in the opinion of the instructor, there is little or no chance that you will be able to bring all the required skills to standard within the six months allowed. There is no set policy regarding people who fail, but our instructor's personal policy was to allow failed students to retake the course at no cost on a space available basis.

Then there's a provisional rating. This means that you have deficiencies in specific skill areas, and you are sent off to bring those to standard on your own. You can then contact the instructor for a checkout dive. If the skills are satisfactory at that point, you are granted a pass.

Or you can pass outright, and nowadays, there are two levels of pass -- rec and tech. Rec pass is for those who take the class in a single tank. Tech pass means doubles and a can light. Tech pass is your permission slip for entry into GUE technical courses.

GUE had to go to a pass/fail policy for the class because of the function the class serves in the GUE system. They were simply trying to make sure that, when you show up for Tech 1 or Cave 1, you have the basic skills down. Unfortunately, when you try to take somebody like me from where I was to GUE standards, you can't do it in four days. You can't do it in four WEEKS. Thus the provisional pass.
No one is going to ask for a DIR-F card anyway.
My DIR-f card won't even get me into the DIR forum.
Jeff, you need a different kind of DIR-F card for that.

"Doing the Internet Right: Fundamentals"
Jeff, you need a different kind of DIR-F card for that.

"Doing the Internet Right: Fundamentals"
I'm sure the small print on my cards allows me to make fun of divers on the internet.
It took a bunch of posts to get there, but I think this is the REAL reason most people will NEVER take fundies.

Are you afraid your friends will laugh at you if you don't pass? Ego too big to associate the word "fail" with your diving? Get over it.

To an extent you've hit the nail on the head. Sure I've done things where there existed the possibility of failure, but I've never done something I KNEW I would fail at. I don't care what other people think because it's not them I'm doing it for, it's my ultimate goal in the end that must be met.

I don't know how else to say it, but if I know I'll fail at something then I'll work on it at home or wherever until I know I can pass it. In this case I'll time my swimming until I know I can pass that part. The rest of it I'll read and study the materials as best I can and take it as it comes. If I fail then I fail and I'll work at it until I meet standards, but I'll be danged if I fail a swim test. I'm not the kind of person who's ever given up on anything I've ever wanted, I always work hard at it until I get there regardless of how long it's going to take. But I do like to know I stand a chance before I plunk down the greens.

You know, it's like I had an offer of an arm wrestling match with Superman and the deal was I had to put up money to do it. I'd never do that because there's no way on Earth I'd ever have the strength to do it no matter how hard I tried. If the match was against Hulk Hogan I might go for it because there is a small chance I'd win, that's the logic here. There must be a chance that I can through hard work earn the goal, not something you dangle like a carrot in front of me on a stick to constantly urge me on, I've got to win it eventually.
Matthew, you're way too focused on the card.

Forget that the card exists.

The card is irrelevant. The card doesn't matter.

I think you're just grasping at any excuse you can come up with here..
OK.. here is another example.. I am thinking of going back to school... Veterinary Medicine... and at this point in my life...If I gave in to my worries about not getting in, why should I apply? You just take the cards you are dealt, and move forward with them. Seriously, if you want to learn skills, whether you pass or not, taking fundies will definitely make you a better skilled diver.

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