Why it should be LAW that people should get certified

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So here is a topic to discuss.

Should 1984 still be taught in high school in America in 2011?

Yes or No and why!!!!!
If the ice caps melt the only place you will be able to scuba to will be the 30th story of a high rise building. Personally, I'd like to see a law passed that says that everyone born in the US will be trained in the use of a pistol and rifle and issued one at the age of 12.
If the ice caps melt the only place you will be able to scuba to will be the 30th story of a high rise building. Personally, I'd like to see a law passed that says that everyone born in the US will be trained in the use of a pistol and rifle and issued one at the age of 12.

Enabling Darwin's Law as a tool for population control?

Genius! :D
I still need a topic preferably related with scuba diving. I don't want a topic like overfishing and pollution because pretty much everyone knows that is an issue but a debatable!!! topic that won't be easy to defend (that is why I chose my original topic).

Should a state require certification for scuba or allow the industry to regulate itself? In my state, a hair dresser must have state certification, so it is clearly debatable.

Issues related to pollution, coral bleaching, etc. are debatable. There was a raging debate on SB recently on this very topic. You don't see it as debatable because you haven't encountered anyone with opposing views, but they definitely exist.

Although not clearly related to scuba, whaling is very controversial. Japan kills thousands of whales per year for "research."

I think killing off the world shark population to feed the Chinese appetite for shark fin soup is a great topic.

How to deal with the invasion of lionfish in the Atlantic and Caribbean is a good one.

Have you seen The Cove? Whether or not we should have animals like dolphins and orcas on exhibit is quite controversial.

Ok so the topic must be debatable but it isn't a debate...It is a speech- 10 minutes long- so I need to have enough claims and enough of an argument to fill that time

When I do presentations, I have a hard time limiting myself to 10 minutes on any topic.
what's that?

And if that doesn't tell you the shape of our public school system, nothing will.
So here is a topic to discuss.

Should 1984 still be taught in high school in America in 2011?

Yes or No and why!!!!!

Excellent topic. Absolutely.
I think the year was off, maybe 2084, but still, very reachable. Perhaps that book is what helped stave off the book becoming reality.

Excellent food for thought. Thanks.
To the OP,

Just write about the simple pleasure of diving. The interaction between man and animal, the freedom to move in three dimensions, the "zen" effect on the mind.
Have a talk about GUE and strokes :D
What's really sad about this thread is how many people missed the point that this is a class exercise. Why take it so seriously? One can debate just about anything ... no matter whether it's serious or absurd, likely or impossible, believable or incredible. The objective is to examine the topic and find plausible reasons to support it or object to it.

It's a mental exercise, folks ... not something that's being proposed as a bill in Congress. Lighten up for gawdsakes.

To the OP ... if you want to spark a real debate, talk about why everyone should wear split fins ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

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