Why is it so difficult to find a PADI tec rec instructor?

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If you have a good instructor, and you pass the course in those conditions, you will probably be well-qualified to do those kinds of dives just about anywhere (within reason)....

I have done most of my training in cold, dark, low-viz quarries. I think I'm a better diver for that. I'm also glad I haven't spent any vacation time sitting in a classroom or doing training dives.

Also, if you do TDI Adv Nitrox and Deco Procedures as one course (which is how it's commonly taught), you'll be at the same level as after doing both Tec 40 and Tec 45. If your shop doesn't teach tech courses, then why worry about staying with the shop's agency? If your shop does teach Tec 40 and Tec 45 and it's just the local conditions that put you off doing it with your shop, then okay, I fall back to my previous comment. Training in tough conditions is not necessarily a bad thing.

Training in tough conditions is always a good thing IMHO. My reference point is USMC and a fall and winter @ Quantico. It was so f-cking cold and wet. But good preparation for what was to come.

Of course, one of the most important things is the quality of the Instructor. That is huge. I feel so fortunate to have had a number of very talented instructors.

Every potential new diver should do a little research and find the best instructor, most recommended, best word of mouth from the local community.
By my math that is $30 per tank. I have never heard of any place charging $30 to fill an AL80. Most places include the cost of the air when you take a course, so this took me for a double surprise.

That'll be due to the twinsets being O2 clean needing E-air (extra filtering) than the normal bulk compressor delivers for recreational gas. In other words, its treated as tech gas from that equipment and method - different pathway.
Some places do it that way, some triple or more filter regular gas. Depends on the operation and how its set up.

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