1. I'm sure there has to be a way to get the data. I read stories all the time about the certifications of the deceased, as well as everyone on the boat being disclosed. Maybe encourage operators to include a DAN data release in their waivers - so that when something happens, they automatically have permission to release the victim's training history to DAN. Maybe we as an industry need to push for legislation allowing researchers, such as DAN, access to court documents that disclose training levels. DAN already collects cert info on it's members. With more brainstorming, I am sure many methods to collect this data could be developed. I personally think more access to this data is currently already available - DAN just doesn't publish it for fear of backlash from the biggest players who stand to lose the most from such data.
2. The one that most pertained to the dive that resulted in death? For example, for an accident involving a wreck - wreck diver; 20-30m - deep diver. In the absence of proper certification, follow the certs back to the last or closest one - which was probably responsible for the diver developing the attitude that they didn't need further training. Better yet, the data reporter could simply list all the certs and leave it up to the reader to decide for themselves which one applied. I'm sure an systematic approach to applying the appropriate cert could be developed.
3. Diving deaths are already categorized by medical and non-medical related. For the purposes of improving diver safety via training, obviously we are interested in the non-medical related accidents and discard the medically related deaths as they do not apply.