If this is your primary concern when solo diving on a wreck (You're talking non-penetration of said wreck, right?), I would think you'd want to REDUCE the number of entanglement hazards?? Adding a pony tank to your configuration, especially back mounting it, will add entanglement potential that you may not be able to get yourself out of no matter how much extra gas you have. If anything, I would want to streamline my rig as much as possible to avoid getting caught in the first place.catherine96821:2. May actually need it someday. I could get caught on a wreck, and lose air catastrophically trying to get free, for example. It has entered my mind.
Anyhow, I used to use a pony tank, but now have it for sale. It ended up creating more problems than those it was intended to "solve."
- when it was back mounted, there were trim issues.
- entanglement - It kept snagging on kelp.... not a big deal to just stop and back up, but change the kelp to monofilament :11:
- when I changed to sling it like a deco bottle, I was limited to how close to the bottom I could be without lifting the reg end of the tank out of the way (by pushing it farther up under the armpit).... what a PITA! Especially when trying to take pictures

- Though with this configuration, entanglements were easy to get out of, since the tank was right there in front of me.