Why do guys do it?

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I agree with Andy's assessment of the guys motivations :

"1. they feel safe flirting with you since you are "taken"

(A weird sort of male bonding behavior.)

"2. they are hoping you'd ditch your bf and take up with them"

(a very traditional approach to male competition and mate selection)

"3. they don't know how else to relate to a woman other than sexual flirtation (i.e. this is their attempt at conversation with you)"

(classic behavior for an immature male and a less than stellar comment about your boyfreind's taste in freinds)

But I also think that guys flirting with you is even more understandable in that you engage in flirtation when there is some type of economic or social benefit in it for you. This is very much a double standard and sends very mixed messages. Other guys, including your BF's freinds, who witness it may not see or agree with the subtle distiction you have developed to rationalize when it is ok to flirt. Guy are far more likely to see it as a more black and white issue of "she flirts and is sexually available" or "she does not flirt and is not sexually available".

It also sends a mixed message to your BF as in the back of his mind he has to wonder how far you would go if you would really benefit from flirting...or more. From an evolutionary perspective in patriachial societies mate (reproductive, not freind) selection has primarily been detemined by females who select the strongest and most powerful males who are best able to provide and defend their offspring. In return, males have traditionally viewed a good mate as someone who is cooperative and supportive and is unlikely to stray and consequently leave parternity issues in doubt. (In short, the prettiest and/or funnest girl may not always make the best mate.)

The rules have changed a lot in the last 50 years and what makes for a "strong" and "powerful" mate is definitely more on the nerdy and sensitive side than ever before. But old customs and attitudes die hard. Just as mothers are still likely to tell their daughters that it is just as easy to fall in love with a rich man as a poor one (the go for the strong and powerful argument), many men are still likely to place women in two classes - those that are fun to date and those that they would actually marry (ie: unlikely to stray to greener pastures and leave them with child support and alimony payments). Flirtatious behavior, regardless of intent, runs of the risk of placing you in the "love to date her, don't want to marry her" category and your BF's non-objection to your flirtatious behavior may be confirmation of that status.

Personally, if it were me, I'd communicate with the BF on a very serious level and decide if the relationship is serious or not. If it is serious, I'd totally and completely eliminate the flirting to firmly send the message you are off the market. I would also discuss with the BF the expectation that he needs to show his committment to you and set boundaries with his freinds to make you firmly off limits to flirting or any other type of sexual advance.
i know this will make me sound like a bad person, but its to mine or someone's gain, ie. extra drink at a bar, let me in queues, fix my car . . . . lotsa people do it.

Lady, it's people like YOU that are the problem. :06:
Thanks for your replies. just to clarify, i dont flirt with them, they come on to me and i reject every pass or attempt. this doesnt stop them. my bf doesnt flirt with girls i know and he wont allow them to with him.j the only time i flirt, i know this will make me sound like a bad person, but its to mine or someone's gain, ie. extra drink at a bar, let me in queues, fix my car, distract a guy while my friend goes for a girl etc, i figure if they are going to offer i am going to talk to them, why not. its happened to me b4 and ive learned from it. just a bit of fun, nothing serious. lotsa people do it. my bf doesnt mind and i dont mind if he does that in the opposite case. we know where we both stand. but when it is his FRIENDS, im dumbfounded as to why my bf is not annoyed, and why his friends still persist. maybe it is an insecurity all round...including my bf?
I quote: "The only time I flirt; is at a bar, to fix my car, to distract a guy while my friend gets a girl, if they are going to offer I'm going to talk to them, why not, it's happened to me before, just a bit of fun, nothing serious, lot's of peolple do it, my boyfriend doesn't mind.

It sounds like loose behavior; If you are at a bar and look available (men will come) If you need your car fixed, get a mechanic or your "boyfriend" (damsel in distress men will come)!!! This one I had a little trouble with, your friend needing your help to get a girl. He does not need your help to get a girl. What it does sound like is you needing reasurance that you can still pick up a guy if you wanted to! Insecurity yes, Yours!...

You are calling all this attention to yourself and having advances made to you because that is the message you are giving! The fact that you have a boyfriend and still behave like this is sad. Even the fact that his own friends try to make advances to you lets me further know that they believe they can!

Perhaps your boyfriend has given up on protecting your virtue because from what you tell us, it seems you don't!
I like how people forget alcohol is a drug, and you WILL behave differently on it. I bet these same dewds are pretty insecure when thay are sober, since they can't even get their own girls, they go after you......... Be firm with them and tell them that you don't appreciate there shallow attemps to get into yout pants, and if they want to remain friends with you, they need to behave more mature (the mature thing always works with guys). Your BF wants you to be able to take care of yourself too. He's not always going to be around to protect you.
I'll have to agree with Kraken...remember the Seinfeld episode where Elaine asks "How are all these people getting together?"
Jerry's reply, "Alcohol"
I quote: "The only time I flirt; is at a bar, to fix my car, to distract a guy while my friend gets a girl, if they are going to offer I'm going to talk to them, why not, it's happened to me before, just a bit of fun, nothing serious, lot's of peolple do it, my boyfriend doesn't mind.

You are calling all this attention to yourself and having advances made to you because that is the message you are giving! The fact that you have a boyfriend and still behave like this is sad. Even the fact that his own friends try to make advances to you lets me further know that they believe they can

Alright, on this note, not everyone knows that they are putting out those vibes. I have people tell me all the time that I am flirting and I don't see it at all. I try to stay reserved for the most part but it doesn't help. What do you suggest in this instance. Yes I can turn it on and then it is more then obvious but that doesn't happen often. I am too insecure to want all that attention, and yes I really am.
There is nothing wrong with sharing. Just go with it, you may have a great time..
It has to do with competition. Women do it also.

Ever seen animals fight over food? Similar thing. I have seen dogs that will turn up their nose at some food item, until another animal tries to eat it, then they are suddenly interested. Cats do the same thing some times.

Ever seen someone start petting one dog? What does the other dog do? Tries to horn in on the attention, to push between the other dog and you, to get the petting.

Ever seen a dog or cat that gets between their owner and the "date"? I have had that happen. Tried to sit on the couch next to a woman, and the dog / cat squeezed in between.

Ever seen seagulls fight over food? Even things that aren't really food. If another gull grabs it, they will try to steal the item, even if they previously had the item and determined that it was not food, instincts drive them to fight for the item.

Ever seen anyone pass a guy on the freeway? It is like they made a personal attack on the guy himself. He will speed up to combat the serious affront to his manhood. (okay, not all, but MANY guys are like this!)

The guys out there know this is TRUE: in general they get a LOT more attention when they are out in public with a woman than if they are out with the guys or by themselves. Why? Because (as I have been told numerous times) "No woman wants a man that no other woman wants". (This is the source of the famous phrase "that was my sister you saw me with".)

So most guys want every woman they see, and that is increased (usually) by the introduction of alcohol. Add in the challenge of trying to steal some other guys woman, and you have a situation such as you described.

That covers most of the why. Now what?
It is good that you and your BF are secure in your relationship, and I applaud that. In general, his mates really don't mean any disrespect to either you or to your BF. They're just guys. Add alcohol, and you have drunks. What can I say.

If you try to make them stop, then you become a B$$ch. If your BF tries to make them stop, he becomes an A**hole, or you become a B$$ch, or both. They will feign righteous indignation or total innocence because, after all, they "didn't mean anything by it" they were "just flirting" and there is no reason to get so upset. You know how it all plays out.

--*deep sigh*--

on behalf of guys, let me just say that I am sorry.

Alright, on this note, not everyone knows that they are putting out those vibes. I have people tell me all the time that I am flirting and I don't see it at all. I try to stay reserved for the most part but it doesn't help. What do you suggest in this instance. Yes I can turn it on and then it is more then obvious but that doesn't happen often. I am too insecure to want all that attention, and yes I really am.[/QUOTE]

Hello Cobaltbabe, with all due respect It seems you answered this one yourself. As a woman it's hard to believe that we don't know our own powers of attraction, or for that matter when to tone it down.. I could understand a teenager or someone in their early 20's just realizing the difference, but now a days relationships some how get lost in the translation, key word relate. One must know how to relate around others and in social environments (bars, parties etc., in order to handle what comes with relationships like meeting each others families and friends without there being misunderstandings! It's funny how we tend to blame it on alcohol, circumstances and being misunderstood.

When one can understand these things, it becomes crystal!

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