That isn't what an educator and education all about. If you are going to test people at a certain level, you better training and coach people to that level or even a better level.
Yeah, well I guess we have different opinions on what the role of a different educators should be. You assume a universal objective of what's the goal of education is.
But the objective can be different, according to the program:
- A primary objective in first grade could be all the kids to count up to 10
- A primary objective in astronaut training might be to fill 3 crew seats for the next mission and guarantee that at least 3 people out of the THOUSANDS meet the minimum standards
- For GUE-F is multiobjective:
- Improve the skills of all participants to the best possible given their time/effort/etc.
- Evaluate them based on the standards.
It seems very simple to me to be honest, and I have experience as educator at university level. Not every single student was passing my class, and I was not expected to place more efford on each student than the one they were willing to put in the class.
What you are trying to rationalize is to justify for an uncaring and unqualified instructor to not do their job properly and educate the students on how to comply with certain standards.
You assume that everybody can learn anything at a given time. Which is utopian at best. People have very diverse skills and very diverse desires. It's impossible for any instructor to meet the goals for every students, unless if the bar is low. How many people can count up to 10? Most. How many people can solve equations of gravitational singularities? Not as many, even if they spent 2 lives next to an ideal instructor.
Testing in this context is more of "evaluation" to determine student's (and instructor's) deficiencies for them to remedy the deficiencies to reach acceptable level of competence and knowledge.
Potentially true. But the deficiencies of the instructor could be studied statistically from the results of the majority of the students. Standard deviations are a thing for a reason. Overfocusing on the -3 sigma is idealistic for hard topics.
There are certain topics even in my specialization that I don't have strong interest to learn, and I will not learn no matter the capabilities of an instructor. Why the instructor should be judged based on my case?
Essentially, just to give an excuse to the "instructor" to not live up to their responsibility.
What is the responsibility of the instructor? Because for me it changes with respect to the different objectives.
That's not what I said at all. please don't put words into my mouth I didn't say.
LOL. I didn't. I said that it "seems" that you follow a more inclusive perspective. That statement OBVIOUSLY expresses my perception.
At the end, do you want to train people and help them to achieve success or you want to haze people and let them fail because you failed them with your lack of instructor/coaching skills?
Define success and failure and I might be able to answer that. For this purpose you need to define a clear objective so I will direct you to the top of this comment.