I messed up setting up the Poll, as I made it possible to vote on several chocies, but failed to say so and couldn't edit that part. Oh well. :huh:
PIPEDOPE: You shouldn't have skipped it; you're a lot younger than me. Anyway, I did ask: "Can anyone name four things?"
From my list...
Inventor? I'd qualify him as such, for the plane he modified to cross the Atlantic, at least. for 1927 technology, that was quite a feat!
Aviator? I was blown away that 2 out of 4 High School graduates didn't know the name, and none knew of his being the first to solo the Atlantic. Of course, he did much more in the industry, as some have already mentioned.
Pacafist? Maybe not; he was known to oppose war with Germany.
As poor in spelling as DandyDon? Surely not...?!?
Inspired criminal pnunishment? I think it was his first born baby that was kidnapped and died in the process - inspiring federal reforms known as "Little Lindberg" laws, making kidnapping a capital punishment if the victim died for any reason.
Hanged as punishment? Just trying to muddle the waters.
Aldutler Wonder if this is why he opposed war with Gemernay? Since he knew and loved German people, even aside from the one who saved his love letters and gave birth to some of his kids (DNA proof available), this had to affect his emotions. I don't know that he was connected to the German political part of the time; maybe?
Even though this week's newspaper articles exposed his socially unacceptable behaviors, his name was reexposed to the public who seems to be forgetting him. I've seen the plane, hanging in the Smithsonian: Tiny thing to fly across Texas in even, much less the cold north Atlantic.